I know that FH4 is served best with a controller BUT anyhow i tried the game with my new Logitech G923 steering wheel yesterday. The G923 support is a joke and the game feels like a total arse.
Edit: I have found the demon tweak! In G-Hub, lower the wheel’s max rotation from the default 900 degrees to around 300ish. I set mine to 340. I also reduced the main force feedback sensitivity in-game to around half the default. Suddenly I’m not spinning out on every corner. I won’t say it’s as good as the controller, but it’s way more competitive than it was.
I got a G923 a little over a week ago, and I too was having some issues with it on FH4. I tried everything from googling the best settings for the wheel, the best car tunings for use with wheels, etc, and while I was able to improve it a fair bit and make it better than the default, I’ve largely given up on trying to race with it.
There’s multiple factors at play here. First off, FH4’s force feedback is fairly poor. You can make it better with the advanced settings, but you can never get it perfect. Second, FH4’s arcady physics over saturate the force feedback to the point where even minor corrections on your part to loss of traction result in spinning out. Third, the G923 is new enough that virtually all google searches for it come back with results for the G29/G920, which while similar, have a completely different force feedback motor.
Any settings you find for force feedback for the G29/G920 will be far too strong on the G923. Dial them back if you want to try them.
On another note, the controller has a lot of assists on it. Even when you turn all of the difficulty assists off, there are lots of hidden assists for the controller that the wheel does not have. Drifting left and right back and forth is fairly easy on a controller, but without a ridiculous tune on your car, you simply cannot save drifting in a direction on the wheel. You can do it, but it requires a severely skewed car tuning.
Tl;dr: FH4’s physics engine gets very unstable at high speeds when using the wheel without the controller’s built-in assists. The wheel is perfectly fine if all you want to do is cruise around the world, but forget trying to race unbeatable A.I. with it.
You just need some practise, i got G923 a month ago and at first it was tough, i start with a B class races and then go higher classes and i go strait racing on unbeatable difficulty, and i didn’t make any changes to the wheel (900° rotation), the only struggle i still have is when i want to drift … for now it’s impossible for me, i don’t know how to start, which car to choose, how to set up the car and set up the wheel
P.S. only setting i’m missing on PC version is wheel rotation setting in game
i just got this wheel, has anyone added the shifter and does it work ? i cant get the shifter to work on forza with the xbox series x…
I have H shifter and it works perfect, just set manual shifting and set gears like that
Did you get to fix this issue or still has because I bought Logitech G923 and I feel the same?