After many frustrating days here’s a solution that finally works very well for me with my G923 in FH4:
- Create an individual wheel in FH4 with all necessary functions, here the G923 functions but driving experience is mediocre
- Install Forza EmuWheel (1.4a)
- Configure wheel and save
- Start Forza EmuWheel without using Hush
- Force feedback is there and control are much better now
- Alt-Tab out of game, and go into G HUB, set operating range to about 300 and enable centering spring to 20, get back into game
- enjoy a nice force feedback and control without oversteering
Not sure why this method works so well, maybe someone can figure it out for an even better solution. I think operating ranges over 360 degree introduce to much delay for car control at high speed, especially when the game is optimzed for keyboard/controller input with its instantanious full steering changes.