League lobbies really suck right now guys… I can barely connect to them. From what I have observed the past few months with the private multiplayer lobbies and general multiplayer lobbies is that they start to struggle when you hit 18+ players. People get disconnected, the lobby lags, etc. I understand the idea of wanting league lobbies full but until the multiplayer servers can reliably support 18-24 people, you gotta drop down the limit to make it stable.
I think there is more to it than that though, as I haven’t had NEARLY the problem I have had in other multiplayer areas as I have in the League Lobbies since they opened yesterday.
First, I couldn’t get in at all. Finally got into a lobby in the Hypercar series and it would drop me when loading the race. Just would freeze on the “waiting for cars” screen. Occasionally the screen would go black with the blue status up top like it was going to load the race, then it would just say race in progress, without me loading in.
I did finally get into a lobby that loaded for me, and I did rather enjoy the racing to be fair. The 2nd race I ran however yesterday, the race started before I had loaded in, so when I loaded in, the last car in the pack was passing me on the grid, and I just had to go from there, so that’s one more buggy aspect.
Today, in the Hot Hatch Lobby I have not been able to complete more than one race in a lobby, if I even get in. I can get to the league selection screen, but when I go to enter the lobby, I have had it start to load, then simply disconnect me from the session and take me back to the main menu. I have several times gotten into a lobby, had it load, and been in the intermission countdown when it does the same thing, “you have been disconnected from the session.” This last one has most often happened after I have successfully connected for 1 race, but then it kicks me out after that 1 race before the start of the next one. Most recently, I was in a race on Homestead, the 1st half of the road circuit (I don’t remember the technical name for the layout), in the Honda Civic '97 (which by the way is WAY overpowered for that league… almost no one is running anything else because they just can’t keep up. I have seen various tunes for the Civic, and several do well, so its not just the 1 tune.) and was on lap 4 of 6 when it kicked me back to the main menu saying “You have lost your connection to Xbox Live” but my connections was just fine. Xbox was still connected and I have been able to get right back into the League selection screen, which is where it sits as I type this. What really frustrates me about this last incident is that I lost ranking points for “quitting the race” as I didn’t finish, but I DIDNT QUIT, the LOBBY dropped ME.
I hope this is detailed enough. If you have questions on situations please let me know, but its not been just one car, or 1 situation. If I had some kind of trend like that I could give to help guide you to a fix I would. Please guys get this fixed. FM7 should be such a GREAT game, and there are many aspects that are (ex. I love that I can change the length of the race in career mode.) but the multiplayer which I and the group I run with rely on has just had SOOO many issues and its terribly disappointing. PLEASE jump on this. I know you have had other issues to take care of with the PC and such, but I know many of your Xbox players are feeling neglected and quickly losing hope in the game being fixed. I am still holding out hope that you guys will get it taken care of as you have with so many other things. Your loyal fans like me are counting on you! (Forza is one of the FEW games I actually preorder anymore.)
I didn’t have error messages, other than whats in the quotes above when it disconnected me, and I believe that’s the exact verbiage. I have no other accessories running outside my controller. I did run a wired headset into my controller for a couple races in the hypercar league, but that was when the lobby had actually been stable for me. If it continues I will try to get screenshots.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing your reply and seeing this fixed.