I contacted Microsoft Support and will be receiving a refund for this game. I’ve never had to or felt like doing this before in my many years of gaming. This time I simply had no other choice. This game is broken (does not work on my PC) and is severely lacking what I expected to find in a Forza Motorsport title. For those of you who feel as I do on this matter, there is hope. If at some point in the future they work the bugs out for the PC version and offer the much loved and now greatly missed traditional Rivals mode & Leader Boards… then I’ll purchase it again.
I have great news I have successfully process your refund it usually takes 3-5 business days depending on your financial institution for it to be reflected in your account. This is the case number for the interaction xxxxxxxxxx
I’m off to play Forza 6 and make some runs in Rivals for positioning on the Leaderboards.
I contacted support yesterday for the refund. Microsoft Live chat told me that it was a one time only ‘courtesy’ refund. I correctly informed them that it was not a courtesy and that they were legally obliged to refund the money. They then agreed that it was not a once only refund. So be aware, Microsoft may attempt to mislead you on this when in fact you are entitled to future refunds too.
I could well be headed this way if I do not see class multiplayer lobbies shortly. The game feels stripped down to me right now. Why launch the game if modes are not ready. Why are we paying full price??
Yup, whats the point of Rivals if I cannot use anything but stock cars. I was excited to put a Silvia together and drift it on my PC but thats right out of the window. If there aren’t any rival leaderboards, whats the point of even having them? I would love to see a response from Turn 10 but I highly doubt it. I’ve bought every single Forza since 3. Even went out and bought an Xbox for 5. Way to drop the ball Turn 10.
I thought rivals was a matter of skill? Usually they pick the car too. Kind of like cycled production. This way the driver has to win the race…not the leaderboard car or all motor with assists on. Just my opinion. And not attacking you personally
With a game potentially as vast as Forza, I really don’t need someone telling me how to enjoy it. If the make the game open, users will discover new ways to apply it and actually inspire changes in the game. Turn 10 is closing down any creative thought.
Aside from that, I didn’t go to rivals to compete with random leaderboard cars, but mostly other people on my friends list. Car builds and models were always varied and it was fun to try and make the car you wanted to drive compete. I also race with the wheel, which frequently for me, means stock tunes/builds are typcially awful. As an illustration, I downloaded the demo, ran the Porsche and won the race easily with no issues. Ran it again with the wheel and found the Porsche was a complete handful, twitchy and hard to keep on the track.
So running the stock cars is often not as much fun and since controllers are 10x more forgiving, there’s a cosmic difference between skill set. If I can put tune-able parts on, I can at least mitigate a portion of that.
I agree. I too run a wheel now, after years of using a controller. I am not as fast, but improving. and yes stock cars that cannot be tuned are a handful. I would like to see the original classes with restrictions as well. And also open original classes so everyone can race the way they want.
I refunded for Forza 6 when I bought the ultimate edition and just played Horizon 3 and Apex. Horizon 3 with Playground Games is just a more capable game and company. After they patched the performance issues it ran really well at 60 fps on a 2560 resolution. Forza 7 runs horribly even at 1080. If you don’t turn off MSAA specifically it will kill you but when you do it has horrible aliasing issues. I run a 980TI and i7-6800k processor and it is just not enough. I haven’t bought the game because of the demo performance but without significant patches this game is doa for me. I kinda had some suspicion because there were always massive framerate drops in Apex. I was like there is no way they figure that out in time for 7 like they were claiming and from what I’ve seen, they haven’t.
You have “pc gamers are moaners” in your signature. I don’t know about you but if I paid for a game and it can’t even be downloaded or started I think that’s a big issue.
Good for you guys, and I actually mean that. This game is a joke right now, what in the world is turn 10 doing? I will tough it out and game on but I am extremely disappointed in this title.
I held back and this is the first Forza game I’ve not had on release, wont be picking it up at price its on sale for seeing as the things they are introducing seem to be from free to play games.
Just my personal opinion and gutted to not have it but like a few other games I was looking forward to this year but said free to play like systems are in them SoW and BF2 (at least BF2 has all dlc for free)
^ Yea usually I get the UE version but im glad I didnt. Will probably wait a while and see what they patch before deciding, although at least a patch is confirmed (no matte drivatars at least) so its something.
I will not be going down the refund route but I agree its a let down in many area’s gt sport demo is out on the 9th I’ll try that and if any good I’ll most likely stop my xbox x order and buy a pro instead.
I only have an xbox for forza and as much as I think F7 is fun ( for me ) im not keen on the way its heading, maybe time to get better at project cars 2 and re visit GT , time will tell.