I've lost my game save

I’ve started FH2 and when it finishes syncing the data it starts my game all over, what should i do to fix this, thanks.

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Same thing happend to me.I lost all my gamesave there’s no help from turn 10 you will just have to start again like alot of other people…

The problem here: After you finish your game the console uploads your savegame. When you turn off your console before the file could be uploaded, the savefile in the cloud is broken/incomplete. When your sync this file back to your console, you can not have a good savegame, so the game starts all over.

I have been playing forza for around a year now and I am doing amazing I have a garage value of 20 to 30 million and just resent lay it said invalid profile . I went to Xbox chat but they couldn’t do anything to help me I really don’t want to start again and have tried to somehow get in touch with heliosT10 but no luck does anyone have any idea what I can do

Same here. I had a lot of money, achievements, cars, and points racked up and a restart is not an option. Can’t get time back. Would be great if someone could find a solution to this problem. Keep it posted. A simple restore from a previous save from the Magical Cloud…

Just happened to me today I had not played in a month or so and I had all boards Yada ya cars money had to start all over. It’s lame. Wouldn’t finish syncing at all, frustrating, because you know they have your stats.

As someone on the fence about buying an Xbox One, the many incidences of people losing save games on various games scares me and significantly puts me off. The cloud seems to be inherently flawed and lack basic safe guards to prevent what is a foreseeable problem of inevitable network problems from time to time. This would not happen on say the Steam or Origin cloud systems on PC because they are more robust and have a better designed system. I think Microsoft needs to go back to the drawing board because word of mouth on this issue must be harming the Xbox One’s image.

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Guys how can I email playground coz I lost my save data for Forza horizon nd someone told me that I have to contact with playground the developer anyone have an idea how to contact wth them?