Alright. So it took me an extremely long time to data sync after the Storm Island update. There were also two options to pick at the bottom asking where my save game was at. I picked the hardrive and it took me a day to sync. When I get back on, I lost everything including cars, money, race progress etc… I am very mad since I called microsoft about 5 times and said there was nothing they could do. I just need help on getting my save back.
I had the EXACT same thing happen to me. Very upset about this. Would love to know any possible solution for this abomination.
Microsoft has no way of helping apparently, as I’m sure others have found out. Guess it’s up to Turn10
Same thing happened to me. I just gave up and started over. I was a lvl 180ish and had just about every car in the car and 5 million in creds. And the same sync issues with losing my game. Called microsoft once and they said there is nothing they can do. I turned to twitter to try and contact a few people regarding my save on BOTH forza 5 and horizon 2, and i got no replies. So i started over… its a shame
is there an option to backup the savegame in the cloud or just copy to an usb dongle? just to have a copy for the future.
I think I remember the copy function on the 360…
Apparently is backed up on cloud storage automatically…but nobody has a clue how to make that override the new start-from-scratch storage. Including microsoft
Yeah that doesnt make sense. I had data sync errors and i was forced to start from scratch again. Horizon 2 still reconizes ive driven on every road in the game even upon making me start over. But my game save is lost in the cloud. Its like that movie where they lose there adult video in the cloud and they are trying to get it back. The last few days thats what i have been doing. Then i gave up and just started playing all over again trying to get back everything i lost. 144 game play hours. 230 cars, 5 million in credits, wow, turn 10 you need to get you support team on a whole new level.
A new Turn 10 support team seems like something worth getting…considering how we’ve heard nothing from any admins yet
There have been so many threads on this and on how to do this correctly.
The game saves take a long time to sync because the files are very, very large. The game save system for the most part is used to working with files around 6 - 9 MB and Forza Horizon files can average 10 times that size.
The reason you cannot recover a game save once it’s been deleted and re-synced is because it does not exist. You do store a copy of your game on the HDD of the Xbox One and one in the cloud. If you cancel the sync, don’t wait for the entirety of your game data to sync, or mess something up and start a new game and it saves, the cloud detects this. Then, the cloud syncs that newer, smaller, save game data and your old save is history.
I’m curious what everyone is doing and the actual procedure used because I regularly play on two consoles, sync my data back and forth quite frequently, and I’ve yet to have a single issue. I know OP was quite patient waiting a day for it to sync and somewhere, something still may have gone wrong. Was your file not actually finished? Where did the error occur? I understand it can’t always be the users fault and things will go wrong but we must try to document it. We cannot find a way to prevent this and Microsoft cannot fix it if we don’t know the actual cause.
I highly, highly, highly recommend the following steps when you are done playing FH2.
Finish playing.
Quit game (Highlight FH2 —> Three Line Button —> Quit)
Check game date (Highlight FH2 —> Three Line Button —> Manage game —> Scroll to the right)
If you check your game data to see how large the file size is, this can help you when syncing in the near future. Why? Because, the game may show no progress bar or it may even show 100% sync complete, but is it? How do you know for sure? Easy, you check your save data. For example, I have two consoles as I said, let’s call them A and B. I typically play on console A. I checked my save data and it was 80.6 MB after playing. I left home and went to my families where we have console B. I checked my FH2 save data and it was only 69 MB. I started the sync and would periodically check file size. The game showed the sync was 100% done but I knew it wasn’t. While it was syncing I dashboarded, went to manage game, and continued checking the file size. Once it was around 80 MB I knew it would be done soon. Sure enough, (back in the game) the syncing screen soon vanished and I was able to play exactly where I had left off on console A.
If I can do it with two boxes I know it’s possible with one. Best of luck to you.
My xbox turned itself off during data sync because I was AFK from it, that’s how I lost my save. The information would have been much more helpful before all of our progress was gone…
Make sure your settings are set to either:
Never auto shutoff or shutoff after 6 hours of inactivity…
…or make sure you come wiggle the controller stick every once in a while. That said, if your console auto shutoff during the sync, rebooting and attempting to play the game should detect that the game saves are dissimilar and continue syncing until it is complete. Did that not happen when you returned?
As I said, that information is posted all over this sub-forum if one does a quick search. Every time I see a thread about lost info, I try to make a very similar post.
I would have thought it to be common knowledge however, if you want to keep your save, wait for the sync to finish. If you overwrite your local data and it syncs, now you’re stuck with the new local data. It’s called patience. Unfortunately, in today’s technological and instant everything world, it’s something many (not all) lack.
Sorry about your loss. At least it’s a fun game to keep playing.
My xbox preferred to not try to restart the data sync…so I’m not sure how patience would have helped there. I didn’t know it was common knowledge to expect that a 400 dollar game system comboed with a reputable game makes it so it won’t just take a dump when I fall asleep while waiting for a data sync and drop everything. The only thing I can agree with is the fact that it won’t be the worst thing to restart the game, prevent making some mistakes.
I’m not saying you lacked patience at all, just that most people do.
It is odd that after turning off, your console did not want to continue the sync. I know when I’ve quit my sync and then try to start the game it continues going.
Most of the games for the system do have a very small file size of save data. The way things work with Forza though, these files are large. It is strange that with all the tech in the console, it has a hard time syncing an 80 MB file. My phone can sync an 80 MB file in close to 15 seconds. My computer can do the same in similar fashion. Somehow, Microsoft and their multi-billion dollar cloud network they’re investing so heavily in is limited in some way to extremely slow speeds I must assume. There really is no reason it takes close to 2 hours to sync 80 MB, especially if it’s only downloading from the cloud and not uploading.
Yeah Microsoft hasn’t necessarily impressed me in recent days. Seems like they spend too much money trying to buy other things that are already good instead of making their products the best of the best. Anyway, thank you for letting us know the doom of our save files. Glad I know to move on at this point
Game was reset lost all my cars, but showroom shows my cars were purchased already. Why?
This has just happened to me too. Waited while it synced for about 2 hours and was jammed on 94%, then told me failed to sync would you like to try again and I said yes. went quickly up to 100% then started the game at the beginning and now all data lost. I had to do a system reset so had no hdd data so put my faith in this and failed miserably.
Really cant be bothered with starting the game again so quite annoyed about this.
Been having the same issue for the past three days. Been on the phone with microsoft and havent heard anything from turn 10. Game wont sync. I have 57mb of saved data. Occasionally when is appears to complete syncing, it goes to the intro but I quit, fearing it will override my current saved data. Would really hate to lose this data
For the record, is there any way to just stop the Xbox from trying to sync with the cloud? Seems like a reasonable solution to stop this happening.
[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - fyerball]