Yes, for those who are playing this game mainly for the single player elements, this can definitely be game-breaking. However, there are many game breaking elements depending on what you do:
Multiplayer hoppers: dirty racers not beign ghosted properly, frequent disconnects from lobbies, no custom publoc lobbies etc.
Leagues: ranking system flawed, not enough open league divisions at one time, not a system made for playing with friends.
Drag: details are beign removed from the game such as engine displacement, and drag leaderboards
Drift: players are beign booted for the game for being stationnary after 30 seconds. While it does help in the hoppers, in drift lobbies it means you cannot judge in a drift competition
Rivals: people you beat on rivals mode do not get notified when you do so
(All these topics have also been discussed at lenght here on the forums, you’ll see, whether in the tuning forums or general forums or elswhere)
And so on. Sorry to spoil it all for you, but knowing that, I hope you can find some positives in this game as I have. I think it is still a top game regardless of it’s flaws.
As for the fix, I am sure turn10 is working on it, as they are aware there is a problem and they have already attempted to alleviate the problem in a precedent update. Patience is key here.
I have beaten the runaway drivatar in several occasions, but it seems to be because it sometimes makes a couple of mistakes on the very last lap, and I have been able to capitalize on it.
Wish you the same luck.