issues with controller input

Hi All,

maybe somebody can help. I just started playing, no stranger to Forza series, been playing since FM2 but, for the life of me I cannot figure out why I can’t access the pause menu in Forza Horizon 4 using the ‘Menu’ button.

I am going through that long tutorial where they take you through all the seasons and I hit Autumn. I have a custom controller layout and tried to find where the ‘Menu’ option is located, there is no button that is associated to it (which makes sense, that’s what the ‘Menu’ button is for, right?).

Am I just being dumb and missing something obvious or has anyone else faced this issue?

Thanks in advance

So, just to clarify… your are playing on an XBOX, with a standard XBOX controller, but are using a custom layout where you defined all the buttons on the controller to your liking, but the menu button… the button with the three horizontal lines, currently does nothing when you are in freeroam? …and that same button still works when playing other games?

I just tried to go into custom controller settings and that is the only button, that I think is hard coded/not map-able to other functionalities. So, to me the button should always go to the menu, when you press it. Does it work if you go back to the standard button layout? …if so then maybe its a bug?

Hi, thanks for the reply.

All of that is right except that I am playing on a PC with the elite controller and the menu button works fine with other games and actually works in the game when you restart it but, fails again after a number of events.

I re-installed the game and nothing changed. Frustrating.

Lol… that is how I play also, on my pc with a elite controller… actually just got the controller less then a week ago. It’s weird that it is just the one button, that stops working. It has worked perfectly for me connected via usb for over 5 hours in one sitting. Have you checked the firmware on the controller and verify that you don’t have the menu button mapped differently using the xbox accessories app (for win10)? Other then that, the only thing I can think of would be to try to play the game and when it stops working, run the accessories app and see if it detects the menu button presses. Maybe the button is going bad?

I have the same problem during the “painting”.
Sometimes the dpad do not work downwards choosing some elements in lower lines…
I am playing on PC with wired x360 pad.
In other games it warks flawlessly.

I was getting the exact same thing for a while (not for the last several days). I thought it was my controller, but I’d exit to the previous screen and the down arrow would work again. Go back into the paint mode and nothing. The keyboard arrows also wouldn’t move down, so it wasn’t a controller issue.

(also on PC, also with a wired (I converted it from wireless) x360 controller.)

I haven’t done any painting yet, but since you are on a PC, have you tried using the mouse and/or keyboard to access the areas you are referring to?

The thing is that when this problem appears i was able to jump down with keyboard arrows.
Probably this will work also with mouse.
But in this case something is wrong with the pad steering.
The pad itself (hardware) is fine so far.
First time i also thought that the d-pad is broken…

I have same problem but I’m on xbox