I’m using a PS4 controller to play Forza Horizon 4, but it flickers between controller and keyboard controls.
I’m using DS4Windows, and my controller is connected with a micro usb cable to my PC.
I can somewhat use the analog sticks and triggers, but any other inputs don’t seem to work at all.
I’ve already ticked and unticked the “Hide DS4 Controller” inside my DS4Windows settings, but it doesn’t make a difference.
If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated!
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probbably not what u wanna hear just buy a windows xbox controller mate saves u the hassel of it almost never working propperly
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Yeah, I’m not going through the trouble of buying a new controller. I really wanna fix this problem, since it seems to work for many others.
Everytime you start Forza on the start screen. Tick the hide ps4. Then untick it again. Tab back in game and it should work. Sometime i have to do it twice but redoing it while game Is Open works for me
You are a god thank you, nothing else would work (dissabled everything starting (steam nvidia ect) and stopped shadowplay/ingame overlay)
Do you use steam? And have you changed the controller options so that they work for desktop use? If so reset your controller profile through steam and you should have no issues.(make sure steam is in the system tray whilst playing forza)
p.s if you have steam and windows 10 you don’t need DS4 anymore as steam has it built in.
If you don’t use steam why not? lol
Not sure if you’re still having this problem, but if you or anyone else is, I have a solution. Firstly and most importantly, as soon as you plug in your controller, go to bluetooth &other devices in your windows settings. Under ‘wireless controller’ it’ll say “driver error”. Left click that and hit ‘remove device’. After it’s removed, unplug the controller and plug it back in. It may ask you to restart your computer, and if it does, do it. If not, open forza. After it’s open, go to the desktop and open ds4 windows. In ds4 windows, open the settings tab, tick the ‘hide controller’ box. Go back to forza, then back to your desktop and check the ‘hide controller’ tab again. And that’s it! Should work for most of you guys 
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