My controller is not working | Forza Horizon 4 (PC)

Hello everyone! I am trying to connect my controller to Forza so i try to see the difference between the keyboard and the controller, but i have a problem. Here is the controller i am using:®-HV-G89W-Wireless-Gamepad-Controller/dp/B00Y2MPHHS, yes it says it is for PS2/PS3 but i have played games on my PC with this controller + my PC detects the controller, as well when i start FH4 it says “A new unrecognized device connected, please select layout” (something like that), so it is indeed detecting my controller as well. But when i go to the mapping options, it just doesn’t work, when i click on my controller nothing happens, i can’t even turn in-game. If anyone knows what can i do? Thanks :slight_smile: