Can't get steering wheel to work properly in Horizon 4

I have been trying to set up my Thrustmaster XBox 360 and PC wheel to work with my PC and forza horizon 4 for a good week now, and I can;t get it to work. I also have an xbox 360 controller and a third party wireless adapter for that, however that doesn;t work natively either for some reason, even though it is detected as an xbox 360 controller (which it is, its an official one), however I can get the xbox 360 controller to work, so I’m not too worried about that. I followed this guide:

Which did allow the game to detect the controller, however the problem the guide was written to solve (the controls not working as it was constantly switching between keyboard and wheel) wasn’t fixed, the problem was occurring in the game. Today I tried to mess around with the drivers and see if I could just tell windows that my wheel was a normal 360 controller, however that didn’t work and now windows won;t even detect my wheel. It will add it to devices and printers in control panel, but instead of being able to view all of the inputs when you click on properties in game controller settings, it is empty, the properties button is greyed out.

Which bring me to my actual question(s):

  1. How do I fix the drivers so windows will detect the controller properly.

and 2. How do I get it to work in forza horizon 4. I can get it to work in most steam games by just using x360ce, however you can’t get to the folder with the .exe for Forza Horizon 4 so that doesn’t work.