I see some incredible work in the designs that the community post, but is this all being created using the tools in game or is there a way to upload any photo/graphics and use in game?
With some patience and practice there really is no limit to what you can do with the in-game tools, and I as well sincerely hope they never add an image import feature. Best way to get started is just jump in there and start messing around with stuff, let your creativity take off! Don’t let yourself get discouraged if you aren’t making triple-A liveries right off the bat, all of the painters you see had to start somewhere too.
So you are saying me a professional graphic artist is not limited in this designer compared to adobe Photoshop, or adobe illustrator? If you are then you have never touched any of those programs. Just saying Adobe Puts that [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] decal maker in it’s place.
There is absolutely no way these are all created using what they gave us. Some car designs I have seen use actual photos on them. I have seen a screen shot from movies on a couple. Not buying it. Something tells me that Turn 10 has allowed their favorite designers to use such a way to use actual photos or it is even an employee who has access to this. So no…not all of what we see is done using what we have.
your soo far from the truth bro , these guys are artists they are highly skilled people,practice practice practice and you will get there .some of these guys have been doing this for years matey
get some actual proof before saying turn 10 covertly give a handful of gamers access to secret tools to make liveries. You can go on twitch and see people painting live or look on you tube and see paints being made
Idk about now - but past Forza games it was possible to import images. It wasn’t a feature in the game, but there were mods / hacks that allowed you to do it. You definitely could in the first one, and I remember some people doing it in at least one later game (either 2 or 3), also. Idk about the games after that. I didn’t really look into it.
stuff like this… how i start and where it ends up
is just a lot of practice. ive painted at least a 1,000 cars since Forza 2. the first paint i did was a skull with 76 layers. now my skulls look more like this
sometimes it is unbelieveable, but yes everthing livery/decal/design is made with the shapes in the livery editor… it takes time and skill to create something awesome…
I highly doubt the Alien DVD Cover/Screenshot I’ve been seeing in ‘Recommended Groups’ is made using in-game tools. [Mod Edit - bypassing the word filter is just plain stupid, go read the rules during your time off- fyerball ]
Pretty damn hard to replicate things like Flags or different fonts of letters and numbers to create more things and be more creative. An image uploader would help solve this issue instantly and help broaden the creativity allowed in this game.
…and instantly result in hundreds of cars covered in porn driving round everywhere. Remember, this is the internet, and it’s full of nerks who like to ruin everything. (I remember the good old days when you used to be able to play online multiplayer without annoying teenagers screeching racist and homophobic abuse every 2 seconds…)