Is forza 7 worth downloading now?


Don’t comment on things you have no idea about. I started it hours ago and now you’ve wasted a comment because you didn’t know that. It’s halfway done, which means I’ve already moved off my original desicion to give it away. The thread needed more of the people who will give honest feedback to my question rather than people like you.

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But you already have the game.
Thread makes no sense to me. Looks like trolling or other attention seeking to me.


Really trolling? Are you in one mindset all the time? This thread was started with two things in mind. If I get a positive response I download it. If not I give it away. How is that considered trolling? I’m not wasting my time downloading something I won’t play. If you wanted to know why I asked it was because I wasn’t sure if it was still worth it. I didn’t buy it on day one because it’s a bad idea for most games, so I decided to give it time.

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Thanks for that.