Is anyone else getting really low wheel spin rewards in FH3?

Before the update I would average $50k-$75k and a car every 5 spins or so but now I average 15K and get a car maybe every 10 spins.

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my wheel spins suck like $5000 suck but when I do get a car its a nice one. 7 spins later :unamused:

Gotta love the 2000 credit spins


I’m at level 92 and my most common reward is 2k - 5k. I only have 2 HE cars and I’ve spun 100k about 5 times. Wheel is not my friend.

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Im over lvl100, have had bad spins. Maybe 2-3 cars won, and only 1 horizon edition car. I had been getting a couple decent 50-100k spins once in great while…but since the patch my highest spins have seemed to be much lower. I would be shocked to see over 15k credits from a spin now.

Sounds about right to me. Remember that the higher you level, the more XP you need to level up, and the less spins you get. It’ll feel like you’re getting lower spins but you’re really just getting less of them.

I have the 2K -5K spins quite often…but I also won some nice cars, so I don’t have reason to complain. It’s just luck…sometimes more, sometimes less…but hey you can’t lose! (On the regular spins of course…the bought ones…other story, but I also won a HE car there…)

level 112 here, i have won 5 cars and mostly below 10k in spins

I’ve had so many 2,000cr spins now it’s depressing. I got a few cars when i blew 4 million on extra spins. But that was well over a hundred spins for half a dozen cars and loads of 2-5k pathetic spins.

Have you ever had it land on a good car or cash especially HE cars to only it slowly move up pass it for something less?


im about lvl 300. I have won 7 HE cars(and probably around 15-20 other cars). and the credits seems very random to me. sometimes I get low and sometimes I get high credit spins. seems about right to me :slight_smile: still feels a waste to use a spin to get 2000 cr… lol


Aye, and getting it on a wheelspin after losing a championship to broken drivatars is just salt in the wound. The wheelspins are supposed to be “A prize every time!” but getting 2,000 really is the games way of saying “You lose”.


I’m at around Lv 250 now. Yeah, very random. I’ll get $2K - 7K maddening streaks, then I’ll get 2 Ferraris in a row, and the occasional 100K prize. I have no evidence at all of any kind of tilt to the RNG.

I don’t really like that wheelspin system, especially since there are now unique cars involved.

It’s not really fair because if you don’t have luck, you miss bonus content and cars, all of that because of pure luck

That means player who drives on Easy with all assists on can receive more rewards than an other one who plays hard with everything off.

Luck is not fair at all. Car prices should be predetermined based on level up like each 10 level you get an HE car

I think it’s fine as is, the casual gamer needs his success too and plays probably not as much as the hardcore dudes. Don’t forget that nobody forces you to play on hard and that you get more credits already.

You can get missing cars from the Auction House when luck’s not with you. If you play this game intensively you’re drowned in free cars and cash. Don’t forget to use the Mechanic skill to save ALL upgrade costs - that’s a huge money saver in the long run (some complete overhauls cost about 100k - 100k for 10 skillpoints? Anytime!).

I pushed my luck with bought wheelspins (50k per spin) - if luck is tough fight it with probability. I had my bad streaks too there, sure. But mostly I got more out of it (by the worth of won cars) than I invested.

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Sure but did you see the prices for the HE cars in the Auction House ? 10 millions for a car is absolutely HUGE time consuming. I doubt every player can buy 10 HE cars @ 10 millions each, really.
As for the “drowned in free cars” i have seen several messages on this forum from unlucky people who didn’t even get 5 free cars, so what about them, are they just “poor sod” who don’t have the right to enjoy HE Cars ^^ ?

I’m just trying to imply that it’s not fair when you put luck into a reward system, because, as a pretty unlucky one in globality when playing video games, i can sure say that it really deteriorates your experience because of bad frustration. By “Bad”, i mean when i fail, ok, i failed i am frustrated but i kind of “deserved” it, however that kind of frustration is something you can’t do anything about

Thanks for the Mechanic skill though, i didn’t see it (though i didn’t play a lot yet ^^)

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Sorry, with drowned in free cars I didn’t mean the HE Cars but all the other regular ones. In the average, HE Cars roll about once per 50 spins (someone made the effort to note down the results of his several hundred wheelspins). I can’t find the post anymore, but considering my own garage it seems to be about right (Level 370+, about 200-300 bought wheelspins, 11 HE cars in the garage).

What’s really odd: there are currently 11 different HE-cars in the spin. One I bought (1997 BMW M3 with Drift Boost which didn’t help with the drift PR stunts :smiley: ), the others I rolled. Only once I had all eleven together, I rolled the first double. If all cars had the same independent chance to roll, the chance to roll 10 different cars in a row should be very, very small.

Not sure where you saw HE car for 10mil? Can you explain? I’ve only seen them in auction house and spins and most AH seem to go for 200-700k lower in off ours higher in other. The Drift skills cars are fetching more due to the drift tap method of grinding XP

Where have you seen 10mil HE cars?

Just reporting what some others said on another thread about HE cars as i didn’t buy one myself, sorry if it was inaccurate.
Though even around 1 million per car is pretty hard if you have to buy a lot of them ^^

… actual auction wins range from 200-700k depending on the car, only very few get results over 1 million (by mad men). You’re not even checking facts. You’re just moaning.