I thought FM was about taking your little Forzamons in your journey to become Builders’ Cup Master?
Which is equally silly. I mean, leveling up cars?
I thought FM was about taking your little Forzamons in your journey to become Builders’ Cup Master?
Which is equally silly. I mean, leveling up cars?
It’s funny, because Turn 10 clearly sees how hated the CarPG system is and they’re still going through with it. The last two times in my memory something like this happened, Ubisoft was forced to finish the
Ghost Recon Wildlands reskin they were doing anyway and Paramount Pictures straight-up said, “You know what? You’re right. Let’s go back and actually fix this.”
And then you realize that this isn’t the first time Turn 10’s done this, and you suddenly wonder how many palms you can fit on your face.
It has a lot of potential though. I think all upgrades should be available, just make some much more expensive, as otherwise every single build follows the same formula regardless of what the cars actually need to be better and that is dumb
Or, you know, just limit payouts according to driver level and/or car type, instead of creating an entirely new currency and price schedule that players are going to have to repeat for every single instance of every single car in the game. There is no acceptable solution to CarPG that doesn’t end in “we’re patching all of this out”. It’s lazy, needless complication.
A bit off topic, but because you bring it up:
I believe this RPG-level-up-your-car-thing is there because of Game Pass and the Game as a Service-approach all MS games go these days.
Your are forced to grind, everything takes much longer, so its more likely you put more time into the game.
I’m fine with the new system, but the old system was also ok, except for the fact I had very quick millions over millions of credits because I got many cars gifted to me through gameplay.
I think the grindy “caRPG” concept has a lot of potential to ruin the game, to make many/most players lose interest quickly, and to swiftly dwindle the multiplayer population down to a ghost-town of long queue times & empty lobbies.
Better than the “here’s 50 super wheel spins so you can have a bunch of cars you don’t want and millions of dollars for no reason” like Horizon 5. People cried that GT7 had low payouts because new racing game players are used to this zero effort gameplay. I’m so down for this new system that requires…effort, and feels rewarding
Honestly, in a game where the car list is close to or over quadruple digits, I don’t mind cars being given out regularly. What really cripples a lot of modern racing games though is that they don’t have a career mode to balance out their generosity.
In Horizon 1, it didn’t take very long to accumulate a lot of credits and prize cars, so if you really wanted it, you could get a Bugatti Veyron fairly early in the game. However, doing this was often pointless and unwise because the events in the career mode had restrictions, and events allowing vehicles on the level of the Veyron were not unlocked until much later in the game. The sense of progression was there and intact, but the game also never felt grindy as a result.
The problem is having to level up each of your Forzamons, though. In GT7, all of my cars are at full potential off the bat.
The payouts in GT7 could use some tweaking BTW. Lots of people there want win buttons and shouldn’t be listened to, but this doesn’t mean the game’s balanced.
Fun fact: Horizon Chase 2 just launched with a similar system to the “highly innovative” one in FM, but it’s better since in Horizon Chase you only need to level up each car once. FM, on the other hand, seems like Pokémon: if you catch, er, buy another Civic, you’ll have to level it up again.
That’s fair! I really hate the fact that you have to do it for every individual car, as I usually own two of every car I like, and now I’ll need to do all of the work…twice? C’mon now, at least have it spread to the same models
I also think having all parts unlocked off the cuff would be good, otherwise you just have to build every car the exact same way until you have all the parts unlocked. Sure, make some parts way more expensive, but you should be able to save up for whatever mods you want when you want them, not after grinding constantly to level up…
I’ll be honest, I’m even more interested in driving silly cars in a more simulation game. As long as they are silly interesting, and not silly stupid, I want them.
Peel P50 - Silly interesting
Donut media Ford Transit - silly stupid
I 100% agree! Something about knowing these were actual cars makes it way more intriguing to drive them & try to experience them! Whereas stupid silly stuff like that porta-potty go-kart in other racing games is just silly for the sake of silly.
There’s a point where, given context and focus, silly interesting ends up folding into silly stupid anyway. Isettas, Reliant Robins, and Peel P50s work great for a game like Horizon, because the environment is there to work with and play off of their strengths. Motorsport is a different story, because unless there’s hidden go-kart layouts on every track, you just end up providing great personifications of the quote “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
Not every idea borne out of childhood nostalgia or a drunken visit to Applebee’s needs to be brought to fruition. That’s part of the reason why a large chunk of the ideas that sit in the Suggestion Hubs now are, in the absence of a more eloquent term, blisteringly stupid.
Yeah, it’s difficult to pair.
The Supervan is silly in a way and a proper racer in the other, if there would be more of this type to fill in their own category, that’s enough for me, but it not the case. I’d say the same with the MB Tankpool.
I wish I still had my old 360 so I could play FH1, sounds like an amazing game. Unfortunately I came into the Horizon party a few years too late.
It definitely was. Though not flawless, as there were plenty of DLC shenanigans and later games did add quality of life improvements, it certainly feels like a more complete package because the career mode, its economy, and its progression were very well-balanced. Nowadays, every game is either too much of a sandbox, or too much of a grindfest. There’s a perfect balance between the two that hasn’t been found since the likes of not just Horizon 1, but Motorpsort 4, Test Drive Unlimited 2, etc.
You probably know this already, but FH1 is a backwards compatible game. You can’t buy the digital version of it anymore, but you could get the disk and play it on the Series X or Xbox One consoles (if you have them).
You can play the disc on XB1? I wasn’t aware of that. Didn’t know that worked like that. I may have to order it soon.
Personally, some of my favourite vehicles to race in the series have been what others undoubtedly consider “silly.” But on the other hand, if down the road they keep adding paid packs full of boring race cars, super/hyper cars, Ferraris, and BMWs to the game then I won’t feel compelled to spend any money.