Improve shadows


Shadows tend to be low resolution at points, as well as the LOD being very poor on for example fencing as I’m driving (not to mention general draw distance). I can be in interior view and there will be a random low res shadow, or on the exterior there will be the shadow of the spoiler or the inside of the bonnet where it dips it will be very low res.

Series X Performance mode is what I use.

Hello @PerpetualHernia . Please try performance RT.

It’s the same when I’ve used that mode too, except that also has the weird ghost-y fuzziness in cockpit view that is way too off-putting and lowers the quality of things too much. That’s why I went back to Perf after trying RT for a while

Hello. Please vote here:

Voted for that ages ago :ok_hand:t2:

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Yeah I’ve voted. Also, why do cars in replays look like they have no roofs when you look inside? The drivers and dash are completely lit as if there’s sun bouncing off the top of the driver’s helmet but when the car comes close to the camera, the shadows in the interior pop back in? Shadow LOD issues?

I posted videos about this too. Did they forget to add shadows on the inside of cars when they are at a distance from the camera?

Yeah, this is a pet hate of mine, why do all the games do this? Why don’t they think people will notice this issue?

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It’s ridiculous, really. Shouldn’t be seeing these shadow LOD popping issues in 2024 on allegedly the world’s most powerful game console.