The tree shadows look like this. I’ve seen people using even 4090 on PC ultra settings and getting same results as me using an Xbox series X performance RT mode. This was taken today on nordschleife.
The shadows are squares don’t know if it’s a bug or just the way it’s intended to be.
I think this may be what’s causing the tarmac in front of the car to not look right when the sun or headlights are reflecting off of it.
Shadows need to be fixed as they do appear very low resolution even more noticeable on far objects.
They can be low res, yes. But the LOD on them is very noticeable just a few metres in front of the car.
The PC port is still a disaster.
The shadows from objects on the car definitely need improvement as does the shadow LOD when viewing cars in replays. E.g. shadows in the car’s interior and bodywork would suddenly “pop” into view as it comes closer to the camera. It’s hard to miss and has been there since day one.
Liveries in cars still pop up. Menus still a disgrace… Too dark can’t change camera angle when change rims… Dude I’m done with this game. I still don’t care about challenge hub to get the cars. If I miss it I miss it don’t care… I can’t love the game no more in the state that is
I realized that ultra shadow settings is changed to low, and also for whatever reason high and ultra shadows keep crashing my game (mostly on hakone), so I just keep shadows on medium.
I got rx7900xtx
Well, I’m on Xbox and the shadows popping into cars’ interiors suddenly is kind of jarring and ruins replay viewing.
As you can see with update 13 still missing front splash on front wheels when racing at rain and shadow still low resolution. And there is a lot of other stuff since day one…
Hopefully, the’ll get around to it. Though the semi circle like shadow dancing about in front of the car on the tarmac - both sunlight during day and headlight beams at night - really breaks away from the immersion and makes it look like a last generation game.
I hope they really smooth out the textures, shadows, and lighting right in front of the car, especially in bonnet and bumper, the lighting just does not look smooth and convincing.
For them to fix we need to create a topic and get 2000 votes and mention every moderator of Forza forums trust me. They work by votes. They lost all passion for attention to details.
Well, that’s a bit silly. they are aware of the issues. Those need to be fixed irrespective of whether people have voted or not.
That’s like going to a restaurant and saying to the server: our food is stale or there’s a fly in the soup. Server says “Wait - let me ask around, if more than 10 people have experienced the same, then we will replace your meal with a warm one or fly-free soup”
Utter stupidity
Wish I had the screen shot of them saying literally that the topic had few votes and it will be closed. It’s not silly it’s the truth…
Yeah it is what it is. Wish it wasn’t like that.
This is the biggest thing for me. It’s so distracting to watch the shadows appear right in front of my car as I’m driving.
There’s no way around it, unfortunately. People playing in cockpit and especially bumper and bonnet will notice it the most.
I hope they are reading this and iron out the issue eventually. It’s ruining gameplay, especially as the sun bounces off the tarmac or the headlight beams move around when there are elevation changes and camber on the road. Dreadful looking, to say the least. Robs me of the immersion I want to enjoy.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Driver reflection outside the car