Improve handling/physics/coliisions

I would like to see a heavy focus on handling, physics and collisions.
Yes the gameplay is much improved from previous game but theres so much inconsistencies, people complain there is so many rammers but i would say that is because the handling can be unprecise , theres feeling of wonkyness, sluggish, sensitive steering, car sliding all at the same time (even with assits on or off or tunes or no tunes), thats why in online races everyone is all over the place because its hard to be consistent you add that to the collision physics when you hit or get hit by some and even a small tap which will completely throw you pointing the other way added with the slow countersteer responsiveness it just creates more collission in the process.
I dont want things to be dumbed down or heavily assisted, i look at gt7, f1 2023 and even asseto corsa competizione all different handling and physics but they are all consistent and responsive in there handling.(controller)

Collision physics need to be more in line like forza horizon where cars are more sturdy during contacts. Is it less realistic yes, but there will be a lot less mess and crashes during races. Right now slightest touches cars spinning out everywhere, side contacts causing people to go straight off the track, its just a mess.


in forza motorsport 7 they added an optional collision assist that did just that, have they omitted that feature in FM23?