What are things you DON'T like about the handling/physics

What are things you DON’T like about handling/physics in the game and how would you like it improved? ( mores specifically controller but wheel as well)

Thoughts on how cars react in certain situations like, during high speeds, low speeds, quick succession corners, do you find cars responsive or not responsive enough during these situations.

When going side by side with another cars do you end up getting in to contact because handling feels somewhat inconsistent, slow/sluggish to make those small steering adjustments during corners especially, to avoid contact.

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You are sticked to others cars where contact happen, don’t like it at all


That’s actually quite realistic with the sticking :)… Happens in racing all the time. Feels really annoying though.

I would like much snappier full-lock and also that the steering degree doesn’t scale with speed (unless you want it to as a player). The current steering makes it feel like “drive by wire”. It makes it feel like there’s no connection between your inputs on the controller and the cars’ behaviour and removes all sense of control. It’s been an issue since FM1 and most other games have curves you can tweak here. Esecially on low powered cars a smappy steering is really fun.

The current steering curve also makes everything feel understeer’y…


Nothing. It’s great. The only thing not right is rain grip, but I don’t care about wet racing so it’s irrelevant to me.


Physics with a thumbstick,rofl…


What’s the difference between controlling a virtual car with virtual physics with a controller versus controlling a real life drone or tank with a controller?

The controller doesn’t dictate the physics. Rofl…


Physics are great for the most part, however, there’s still not enough suspension ‘give’, bodyroll, chassis flex, etc.

Maybe it’s more an animation issue than a physics one but cars really should be bobbing, oscillating and bouncing around on their suspensions. They appear too stiff. Not much has changed since FM2. Replay viewing in GT looks far more exciting, for example.


Just curious what people think as i do enjoy the handling but at times something feels off. High speed turns cars feel like it turns too much , slow turns cars dont turn enough, i dont know. I use normal handling but tried simulation wich feels better because i dont feel the assits but that stupid counter steering is just impossible to control on controller.
Sometimes i just feel i dont fully feel in control in situations, sluggish a bit in slow corners and sometimes hard to avoid contact. Thing is its just this game, any other racing game i dont have a problem and i wonder why also, its the game where i see people going off more, crashing more, just lot of inconsistencies from other people as well during races.

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You cant feel the forces straightening out the car through a stick,the stick doesnt ‘push back’ They are much improved from days gone by but they still little motors with weights causing tiny vibration effects.The ‘physics or ffb’ can be felt through a wheel only.But you can do copium all you wish,I’m out.



I am annoyed by the understeering. And collisions don’t feel realistic, if i ram another car in the side from the rear, if the engine of that car is in the front, it should spin out because most of the weight is in the front. But it doesn’t. In general spinning is very rare for whatever reason, it’s like all the cars are way too stable.

I never played with steering wheel and never plan to and i always turn ffb off on controller. So i don’t really care about ffb and all that.


Is there an option for FFB on controller?? Or do you mean just the haptic feedback?

“FFB” is not possible on a controller (at least not on an Xbox controller…PS5 adaptive controller, you could maybe make a case for). Haptic feedback (aka rumbling) is all that’s currently possible.


I don’t like the awful default tunes. It’s like they’re trying to tune everything to be a rally car. Dampers are waaaaay too soft.


What I dislike about the handling… I admit could be completely my own fault. Anyway:

My cars never feel “snappy”.

When I am drafting another car, and am ready to make my move out… the car feels like I’m redirecting a ship at sea. Then when I try to straighten along side the car ahead, often my car wants to become unstable. Feels like a massive inertial lag and I’m left trying to balance the car and get it pointing ahead cleanly.

Same thing when a car ahead hits the brakes. I want to brake or snap over to the side and avoid a collision… and my car just “lumbers” on ahead. Half-heartedly making a not-quite-enough “turn”. And I hit/clip/graze the AI car.

Now, this could be all my fault, because FM23 to me feels like tuning the car is so vital to any kind of decent handling. Seems that most cars have a very heavy, understeer oriented default tune. I’m learning to deal with this in tuning (which has never been my thing).

But perhaps I’m just not getting things right “enough” to get anywhere near a feeling of nimble, or “snappy” handling. And I don’t mean “edgy” or nervous handling. Just a bit nimble. Sometimes I can get a tune that feels quite good, and that’s when I’m enjoying the handling and FFB at their best. But with many cars, still not there.

And for comparison, the default car tunes in AC, ACC, and FM7… I often don’t feel this. The cars in those games seem to have a far more neutral, or even “fast” default tune.


Most cars handle like crap. Like you’re driving on ice and not on rails.


Not if you know how to set up a car. Soften springs, ARB`s until the car come alive.

Phycics are generally good in FM, only thing I have noticed as unrealistic is the way the front-wheels “lifts” when I touch the throttle in midturn. Other than that, most cars are tuneable more or less.

Stock FM setups tends to be too stiff (springs/ARB) while dampers are too weak. A softer setups will float over curbs and do the small body-roll that improves turn-in.

If you`re not a tuner but just shopping parts, use the sports-suspension instead of racesuspension.


Sorry if i gave it the wrong name, i called it ffb because i thought it’s all the same. In my country we just call it “Vibration” and nothing else. Anyway i don’t like any “Vibration” in controllers. It always only distracts me and makes me drive, shoot, walk or whatever less precise in every game.


And just runs down the batteries needlessly. I always turn the vibration off.


Yep and that too. :+1:

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