Impossible xp board

So at Los jardines sign on the map you have an xp board on top of a white roof, I spent ages trying to get this with the ground being super flat. How do you even get this…

There’s a ramp, for the danger sign, on the roundabout just to the west of the board, if you hit it at a average speed and come off the left side you can make the roof…

Hit it, see where you land, hit rewind and adjust accordingly.

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The more difficult 1 i have trouble with is the one that is placed inside the electricity pole

I can confirm this is impossible cuz i guess we are not seein same game as others. For steam user myself i cant see ramp neither use it but other players keep jumpin there easy. I guess its bug or something

Complete Canyon Expedition from Horizon Rush and it will unlock PR Stunts.
PR Stunts and the ramps will appear and all of the hard boards will be easy after unlocking.
Then the ramp will appear on the roundabout and will be an easy completion.