Inaccessible Bonus Board locations and tips

if anyone can help me its my last board and its on the roof of this church i have no idea how to get it any help would be appreciated.

So anyone has a clue how to get to this Fast Travel board?

No jump or hill or anything around that would propell you up there.
Any ideas?

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Some Bonus Boards in elevated positions require jump ramps you can’t see until you’ve leveled up in My Horizon Life by setting distances on Danger Signs.


Don’t worry just do lots of “danger sign” then soon it will show up a ramp to jump there!

Hmm interesting one. I would recommend leveling up like above. You’ll probably unlock a danger sign that goes on or over that roof.

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I am waiting for Winter to get the one on a roof of a small building adjacent to the big lake.
I’m pretty sure there is a small island that can be used as a ramp.

There are 3 or 4 more rooftop bonus boards on high places.

I just got this board. A danger sign jump will appear near the church when you progress far enough.


So I’ve hunted down every last travel board accept this one… Does anyone know how to reach it?null

I got it without the danger sign jump lol, me and a friend used a hill with an agera rs

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Well done then. Who need a ramp :wink:

Correct. I had it appear in a Forzathon Live event, it will be right on the other side of the street and you will have to jump over the church.

I started at the windmill in my v10 2018 gt drag car and went until I landed on the roof but didn’t hit the sign and I just kept reminding until I could wiggle my way over to it and hit it. That was my last fast travel board now I am on to the influence boards

Hey can someone explain me how to do the influence board in the mudcheckers adventure park, the one over the 5 big cement pipe, it’s my last one and i can’t figure how.

Same as above, you need to level up with Danger Signs to get the ramp.

Not sure if you still need it but:

The board has actually been smashed previously, but you get the idea.

This was the last of the 200 bonus boards for me and I have to say the biggest PITA.

Must have attempted it 100+ times via the “Danger Sign” ramp and from the starting location below.

where is the ramp to get to the influence sign that is above the tubes located north of astmoor in mudkickers adventure park? And another thing, the points that you get in the forzathon, I wanted to know if they accumulate for later forzathones. thanks.

That’s an influence sign that can only be gotten in winter.

I managed to get that one by going from the windmill with an Agera, does anyone know how to get the board on the 6 pipes at the dirt track? It’s my final one

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Not true, I got all of the influence signs at Mudkickers during summer. There is a Danger Sign ramp to the NW of the influence sign you can use or use one of the jumps across the central road to get it (as I did).

In the forest northeast of the Greendale airstrip, there should be a influence board, but I can’t find it. I have looked everywhere but it’s nowhere to be found… There is 2 others that i haven’t found, but I can’t remember just now where they are… somewhere in the north/west, I think… A bug or what? And the the fast travel board at the Flying Scotsman Showcase, I had to drive along the railroad bridge to find it, but it was showing on the road that goes alongside the track.

Sorry for the misspelling, english is not my native language…

Otherwise it’s a great game and much better then FH3, more similar to FH2 that is my favorite game until now…