I'm willing to pay extra money for skipping Car Points System

Time is money, I don’t have time to sit and level up cars. Is there anyway I can pay T10 or Microsoft to get a DLC or some services like you see in mobile games (like pay to remove ads, 10$ for Premium membership) something like that, because this game seems like a Software based on service type model.


And so it begins.

Of all of the suggestions to remedy and replace CarPG, this’ll end up being the one they act on. Because money.


The day that this becomes a thing and an option is implemented to pay money for leveling up faster or something along those lines, that’ll be the last day that I play a Forza Motorsport game, or indeed anything with Turn 10’s name on it.


Idk if it was you Clutch but someone here predicted something like this will happen. Kudos :joy: and rip.

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What a stupid comment to make on a Forza forum. Let’s hope T10 don’t read it


All your doing is asking for micro transactions. We don’t need Microsoft to be like EA


I doubt it was me. That said, the way everything else about this game has gone, it’s likely and sadly expected by quite a few.

Whatever it takes to not have to do the right thing, I guess.

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Worst idea ever


I don’t think this is a terrible idea at all, it’s not pay to win, everyone can get to the same position, some will pay others will just play the game. I’m happy to let others pay T10 if they can use that money to make a better product for everyone and before everyone wants to be negative saying they will just pocket the money. I have to believe if they game makes more money they invest more time and hopefully money into it.

Terrible opinion



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Lets reward the publishers and devs with horrible game design by offering to pay them money for workarounds.

Great idea



I get what you’re saying, but this carPG system is not something that anyone asked for and is largely despised by the playerbase. The optics of making it an option that players have to pay to remove rather than T10 just removing (or at least altering/improving) it because it’s what the players want, is not going to go down well with a lot of people. If T10 make this happen, the fallout from it will be well-deserved.

I can guarantee you that the money spent for such thing won’t make the game better, in fact it’ll incentivize the game to be worse.


They won’t do this, as the optics for them would be utterly horrendous.

In any event, an awful gameplay metric like this should not be rewarded by being so non consumer friendly that people want to pay to avoid it.

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Please delete this before Turn10 get any ideas.


I predicted this a while back and I’m still betting on it. The carpg system is a f2p MMO level of grind right now, microtransactions are the only reason for it to exist in its current form. I see we’re at the point where people are asking for T10 to take their money, it shouldn’t be long now.


Absolutely not, not at all, and emphatically, three times, no.


Yep, Car progressing feels like Mobile Games, where you get variety of options and you can get to upgrade one item. Kind of Clash of Clans vibe. Anyways, today I spent 3 hours grinding Nissan GTR, hoping I could make the car suitable for R class, unfortunately the car’s handling won’t go beyond 4.9 rating. And an avg R class handling is a minimum 6.5 to be competitive. So I wasted my time for nothing.

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I Hope they don’t going to read that, they already don’t read and listen to us, so I have some hope :joy: