I Know These Roads, I Know Them Well (Road discovery tips)

Is there any way you could post a screenshot of the area? I’m missing one road and it’s driving me insane trying to find it.

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I don’t think my original reply posted, so is there any way you could upload a picture of that alley on the map? I feel like that’s my one missing road now.

LOL. I’ve been fighting the urge to do that on real world roads.

I found all the in game roads too. For the last 10 or so, I’d thought I’d looked closely enough at the map but I didn’t. The evidence was there but I kept overlooking it. But there was one road find that seemed weird. When I had about 15 left, I was driving southeast from the canyon at the top of the map toward the dish array, and even though the whole area was off-road, I got a notification that I’d found one. I don’t know why that happened, but if there was a road out there, I’m glad I randomly found it and that it wasn’t #488 for me. If you’re 100% sure it’s not showing up on the map, try a drive from that canyon to the dish array. But it’s probably on the map. There were a few dashes that didn’t exactly line up with driveways. When I was doing this, I thought I was stuck more than a handful of times only to spot something on the map where I thought I’d already thoroughly checked.

Using the map view, zoom in as far as you can, then slowly move around the map to locate the missing roads or road segments. Also, filter out everything else.

When I thought I was done, I was still missing 9. One ended up being a long segment I just missed. Another was that same alley LatotheX referred to. But most of them were tiny little “tips” at the end of the short farm roads/lanes, or other little 1 dot segments I somehow had missed driving on. I had found all of the roads, but did not travel all the way to the back of the farm area. Once I knew what I was looking for most of the rest were fairly easy to find using the zoom technique. I did have to move around the map several times to find them all.

There are also several little C shaped roads that leave and rejoin the main road quite quickly. These can be easy to miss as well.

Anyway, I found #488 late last night as well.

If there was one task that I wish we could wipe clean and start over it is this one. I really love finding all the roads.

I have 486 out of 488 and I have been constantly looking and need some help.

Turn your color up all the way on your tv and look at the tips of red roads. Mine was the smallest little grey on the end of a red dash would share a picture if I wasn’t a noob


There are a few pics here of people’s last roads.

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My 487th road is in one of the photos in the link above.

My 488th I would prefer not to tell lol. A small section of a freaking highway (no not crossover the actual main road lol).

I won’t state how many hours I spent looking for my last single section of road but this was it on my map as well. I would likely still be driving aimlessly if not for your post. Thanks for the info, I owe you at least two pints…

Funny that, SatNiteEduardo, that was one of my last 2 or 3 as well. And I didn.t see it on the map during my first two ‘scans’ either.

This happened to me in Horizon 2 as well. But I didn’t have that much trouble once I went to the map zoomed in and slowly scanned around. However I’ve spent over an hour looking last night and then trying again today with some fresh eyes. Carefully scanning in a patterned grid format and I cannot find the missing Road. One of my buddies has already discovered all of them so I know that it’s doable. I’m guessing there’s one tiny little off-road section that I’m missing. I’ve looked for the little gray spaces between the white on highways or the red off-road sections with no luck. I know it’s kind of an odd question but if anybody has any hints or tips it would be greatly appreciated.

I have 485/488 roads found and I can’t find the last 3. I’ve spent an hour trying to find them and i’m getting annoyed right now. Thanks for any help

I am exactly where you are. What have you tried so far besides driving around?

Turned off all the icons on the map? Ensured that EVERY driveway was driven all the way through? Have you taken screen shots of each region to study and try and find said three?

I’ve done all that you’ve said other than the last ones. I don’t know where the pictures are stored.

You need to pay extra attention to the dotted lines on off-road parts of the map. Some of them will have a half stub greyed out, making it look like its completed. Also look for the middle part of some small roads. Sometimes when you drive past them both sides will get white, but they can have a really small grey part right in the middle.

I don’t think that’s it. I looked around all the areas 3 times very carefully and got nowhere. Even drove to some of them.

When you get close to discovering all of the roads there should really be some way to highlight roads you haven’t driven on. I spent at least 20 minutes going over the whole map inch by inch and can’t find that one tiny piece of road I’m missing. Anybody else have this issue as well?

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i have been at 487/488 since the first day of the Ultimate release… gave up trying to figure it out I figure I will eventually drive over that spot at some point

I just got that achievement to pop I was doing a bunch of blueprint races and championships and it just went off… I knew eventually I would hit that small piece of road I was missing whether I jumped over that section and it did not register or whatever…but I got it


Giving up now lol, spent hours combing the map trying to see where I was missing a road.