I just submitted a metacritic review of 2 time for everyone else to as well

It’s just terrible. It’s not a new game it’s an expansion of FH4. They didn’t make a single new thing in the game. The game is so bugged that you can’t complete the seasons. Time to tell everyone else before Christmas what the real rating of this game is.


Its not even comparable to FH4
Half the stuff they brought over from FH4 are not working. or should have been cut or reworked entirely like route editor and Super7.

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every single Forza game has been this way from Forza 1 to 7

same with horizon 1 to 5 the only things that change are little things 10% improvement here and there. than they do a -10% to things here and there than what you get is a slight improvement with some regression and bam you have made the same game again. the only change is location same cars almost same models same bugs on cars from the last 10yrs but we keep buying them so they keep making them.

Out of 10? I’d give it a 7.

I’d actually have to split it. 7/10 for the core solo game, and 3/10 for any of the online functionality.

I guess you could average it out to a 5/10, but a lot of the game is deserving for more than a 5, so I split it.

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It’s a bug expansion set from all the previous FH and FM games.
Must’ve put the good guys on Flight Sim or something.
Give Thanks for Max, couple other less known mods if you do thanksgiving. Or not.
The rest need to be stuffed like the turkeys they are.
My last FH, and I hesitated til last day.
Like marrying an ex, expecting her to be different. :man_facepalming:t2::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_vomiting:


all that salt is going to give you high blood pressure lol. jk. seriously, i really hope they fix this mess. i am already addicted to this game (as i was with previous Horizon titles) and the bugs make it frustrating to say the least.

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I wouldn’t say it’s as bad as 2/10, although I can understand the frustration that would lead someone to review it that low. Some of the game is still excellent, the hard work of the talented people who made the game engine is still present. That gets 9/10, although it’s starting to look long in the tooth which is not surprising because it is. Forget the hype about this having amazing graphics etc. - they’re fine but they’re nothing special for 2021. But they are its best attribute, and it runs perfectly (on PC) along with the lengthy car list (albeit mostly copied from older games. But I don’t expect them to reinvent the wheel every few years so that’s mostly fine too).

Where it falls down is in the gameplay. The single player content is very hollow and mediocre, and more akin to what you’d expect from a not very talented indie studio putting out a low budget game - where the lack of imagination and quality would perhaps be understandable, but it isn’t here.

Where it falls flat on its face, hard, is the multiplayer online experience, something which ought to be the core of any modern racing game, and as central to the experience as multiplayer is to a Call of Duty or Battlefield. The sheer number of Cyberpunk-grade bugs and glitches is not excusable, nor is the severe lack of content and choice offered to the player; the most elementary, basic options are simply absent. Split times removed from online races. No custom adventures (a feature which had to be begged for in FH4 too, belatedly added, not terribly well there either, but it worked fairly well. It still had basic design flaws such as not being able to choose ‘any’ for some of the options, which would have resulted in better filled lobbies) - inexplicably left out of FH5. Ranked racing removed because they never cared to fix the fixable flaws from FH4. This is where the game is a failure. The long long loading times bug is still there from FH4. Inexcusable. You can still ‘win’, well ahead of 2nd place, but the game says you came 2nd. Eliminator is badly broken and Horizon Arcade is a shambles.

On PC the game has an additional plethora of bugs such as the mouse pointer not even hiding when you use a controller, this is trash tier coding and QA here, the people responsible should be ashamed.

I would give the game 5/10 but I feel that’s probably being generous. It would need dramatic improvements to get a higher score.


I think it is a bit harsh - there are no game breaking bugs - I did all of the single player campaign races, stunts etc. True, there are some glitches at two Forza Stories and some accolades don’t work correctly. And the multiplayer is a big mess at the moment.

But actually the multiplayer is in better state than it was in FH4 after the steam lunch, when it was nearly impossible to find a multiplayer session or you would kicked out in the very midst of it. For example I could never finish a goliath coop lap with my cousin though we both have 250 m/bit cable internet after the steam lunch. And we both had bought our copy in the Microsoft Store.

I have to admitt though that this is my first Forza I play right from the start (to tell the truth as premium owner I played right before the official start) and for the single player part I don’t have that many complaints. There are some graphical bugs, that shouldn’t occur (like black windshields, headlights, wheels in the car collection overview (Jeep Wrangler), some wheelspin thumbnails (Willys Jeep) or the car mastery thumbnails for some cars (especially those with custom livery or some custom body parts).

Some other bugs I see at youtube but didn’t experienced my own are too not very flattering for a title this big and could have been avoided. (Copy and Paste errors that already exists in FH4 for example)

Other are new and could have been overseen even if the game would have been tested. And of course the flaws of the season challenges design, the forza arcade desaster are somewhat of a letdown. But you can get the cars of the seasonal challenges without doing them all - so missing some of them won’t bother that game experience too much.

As I said before, I came to the other forza horizon and motorsport titles some years to late to get a taste of how they have been from begin on. And that I think that FH4 had more content. But I got FH4 as already the first expansion was published some time ago. So of course now with two expansions and about 100 or more additional cars over the last three years FH4 seems to be bigger.

But for me FH5 is not that bad. It is far from perfect. And I hope the devs could get rid of the most bugs and glitches.

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Bruh there are tons of people with CTDs
Gamesaves being corrupted because they dont understand basic safety nets for local saves.
The AI is busted
Graphical bugs not from Horizon 4
What do you define as ‘game breaking’?

My experience is a 3/10
Been with Forza for 10 years and this is the first time ive requested my money back for a microsoft game. I rarely request refunds for games. Maybe 3 other in my life. But they still havent actually responded to my refund request.
The game has all the marketability and widespread generic appeal of a UN multinational corporate interface summit. And all the technical fidelity of babies first unity asset flip.


From past experience the game breaking bug comes in the next Hotfix when we all lose something of importance which is what we should be most concerned about.

Nope. I hate people like you.

I rated this game 10/10. Game of the decade. Ground breaking.

What FH5 has achieved in it’s latest release is nothing but extrodinary. The visuals are life like, the sounds are mesmorizing, the story is deep and rich and the selection of cars is a huge step up from FH4.

I have played FH5 everyday since launch and I have not encountered one issue. Everything is perfect. Online play is instant and incredibly fun.

The only thing I wish was different was the chance to fault something bad about the game because I can’t. It’s literally perfect. 10s across the board.

The team at Forza have done an incredible job once again.

Sincerely, CEO of Forza

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For me the solo lobby is maybe 7-8/10. I mostly just pickup random car, race a bit, then tune it until I’m satisfied. Minus point because they remove a lot of character customization item that’s two point lost. And no more podium screen after races unless you level up.

Online, maybe 4-5/10, I don’t really care about others inside the lobby to be honest, can see them can’t see them, I don’t mind, if anything i can just switch to solo lobby. Except maybe for Arcade event because there’s just not enough people to do it, so i just forget about it for now, can always do those later, I don’t really care if I finish or not the season playlist, those thing will run for a long long time, there’s plenty of time to complete a whole season later. MP races are OK, the races itself is OK, the loading time is bad. So i don’t really do much MP for now.


I wouldn’t rate it a 2, probably a strong 5. As much as I think think this game is just a half baked expansion of FH4, you can still tell quite a bit of time and effort has went into it.

But nothing will be done, because this game can get away with it, scott-free.

FH has now attracted such a casual audience that the general audience doesn’t care about the stuff long-time fans do. Just as long as fast car go brrrr across dirt, the majority love it.

Before FH5 released, I watched a couple reviews of the game, and I could tell that previous errors, bugs and troubles were going to be in this instalment, but does the reviewer know, or even care? Nope. Casual players outnumber long time fans now and they simply do not care about the stuff we do, and PG knows it. Hence why the eliminator and playlist even exists.

The inaccurate car models will never be fixed because the majority of players doing even know, or care. The game will keep on getting more grindy because that’s what the casuals are used to in other games. It’s very easy to get frustrated at this game, as many people on here are getting, and rightfully so. But it’s nothing but an exercise in futility if you think PG is going dislodge their heads from being so far up their own behind and actually address issues that the long time fans care about, issues that have been in this series since FH1.

I mean - I keep on seeing ‘leaked’ cars for FH5 and 97% are just recycled from previous titles, so any inaccuracies will just be even more obvious in 4K. Not to mention that they should have been in the game from launch. But we all know we’re going to have to grind out the playlist to get a car that was in a previous game.

But any ways, none of this matters. As long as the graphics are shiny and the game play can keep the attention of 5 year old for over 5 minuets - 10/10 - “Masterpiece” - IGN.