How to complete the "Taking the high road" accolade?

I have no issue driving from Los Jardines to La Gran Caldera in 4 mins, but the accolade won’t be finished when I arrive. I have tried driving to the volcano from both sides, as well as the foot of the mountain. Is there any specific location I need to go to, or is it just a bug?

It’s likely a bug…a lot of the P2P accolades are broken…one of them won’t even register that I am in the city to start the event, even when I’m right in the middle. I’m now leaving these ones until they bring in a fix for them, although it could be some time I suspect

they are not broke at all and ive completed all of them
1 might be bugged but, it possible to complete though

you can see my post about them here

Use the Highway and then the road through the horizon mexico festival site and straight up the hill there. It shows La Gran Caldera on the map with big font
Completed already but triggers fine after hitting the red road on top all the time

I had designed some blueprints for some of the other hard to find point to point races. I can try to put one together for this later tonight.

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I figured out where it’ll trigger consistantly.

Go to the XP board Above the words LA Grande caldera then then go to the left and up to the next XP board and then go to the road above that and it triggersnulltrigger key for the point to pointnull

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A better spot is the Montana trail event to trigger.