how can i make money fast

Someone please help need to make money fast on forza

Do it like everyone else, earn it.


Race, Gain PI , Earn money

How much are you looking for? This is supposed to be a community. Glad to help out. Nacho


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Make border runs in Horizon… :slight_smile: I’ve heard selling decals and designs works well. Rivals is ok and you can keep lapping for larger rewards. You can also set up long races with AI drivers. From time to time there are generous giveaways on the forums to watch for.


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I take back what I said earlier. Check the other forum pages, some clubs and members have credit giveaways.


One easy way is to do private races on the ovals. I know a 25 lap race using the stock cars nets about 80K if you win. Doesn’t really take all that long either.

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  1. Create custom lobby

  2. select test track layout A(if you have test track)

  3. Set laps to 50

  4. put A.I. cars to max opponents and hardest difficulty

  5. set car class to R1

  6. Turn off all assists

  7. drive inside line for 12-15 mins and try not to hit anything

  8. rack up the credits and affinity for the car manufacturer of your choosing.

It’s been forever since I’ve done this so don’t really remember the payout but I think affinity is somewhere around 50,000 and this will help earn more credits due to affinity payouts. Other than that or playing rivals I’d just suggest learning to paint/tune as this is the easiest way to earn credits.

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You can increase the payout farther by using cars from manufactures that you have a lower affinity levels (isn’t level 50). If you are willing to spend about 30-60 minutes, a 20-25 lap race at pretty much any “full layout” road course can pay just as much and can help you master the courses as well.

A bit quicker:

2: choose Sunset Peninsula Speedway (oval) and pre-tune your car w. low aero and long gearing = ca.41+ sec pr. lap

…browse around these forums - here are just a few of the things going on 'round here, right now:

BIGTIME MUSCLE is running a “massive” photo competition worth 100’s of millions of credits if you can take a great photo:

There’s also the KING OF THE TRACK RIVALS CHALLENGE - SEPTEMBER - “CITY LITES - CITY FIGHTS” - caters to both driving and photo competition:

Or take on voldemortt’s Top Gear Transit Challenge - could net you 10 million in as little as 10 minutes! (in fact it has to take less than 10 minutes ;^)


Go into Rivals and beat someone, but then slow down until you beat them just by a hair. Repeatedly do this. The higher up you go, the more money you earn per rival beaten. I’ve earned a million credits in about 15 minutes this way.


Bullin is wright ,that was my strategy to make “money” in the beginning when I start to play Forza 4 and I only must to recommend to you to race your rivals but always the “near me” in the leaderboards list! Another great and easy way to make money is the auction house-but you must to know the prices of the most and fast selling cars! If you want example here is one-a few weeks ago I bough a 8 000 000 Ferrari Testarossa for 5 000 cr-and after 2 hours I sell it for 7.600 000 cr-still chipper from the game price !!! I hope that’s help-Good luck

Can someone help me out with some money?

I made a lot of money by using the auction house. There are probably about twenty cars to buy and sell very quickly, mostly level-up rewards cars. I gave up at 34 million credits, that took me probably a couple months during the summer. If you can’t paint or tune like me, that’s the easiest way to get money quickly, it would take you probably a full year of racing to get up to 34 million credits even with no assists. Rivals is pretty good, and it also teaches you how to drive fast. Since I’ve got all the cars I want in FM4, I’m also willing to trade up to 25 million credits for FM3 credits since I’m working on that one.

ok, here is an easy way to earn money. go online and create a private race, set the track to any easy track such ass sedona speedway or indianopolis oval. fill the lobby up with AI’s. set the class to any class that is low such as F, E, D etc… then get in a car that is put under that class. and of you dont have one, then get into one of the stock ones, then once u are in the car. go to game set up and change the class to any. once u have changed the class, all the AI’s will remain in the low class car. this will allow you to choose any class car. you wioll need to set the number of laps anywhere above 25 if u want a lot of money. if u want me to personally help u. send mme a friend request on xbox. and i will hit u up

Hi there. Just wondering if anyone on here wouldn’t mind helping me out with cars or credits?? Not trying to be a mooch or anything. Been doing world tour, and doing OK I guess just not making the kind of money to make me feel comfortable to gamble on buying new vehicles and upgrades. Would be nice if I could sell cars that I won for more than 100cr. Not enough time to deal with the auction thing. Tried this morning to buy cars in auction house,seems some people play that more than actually racing. One Min Left actually means LETS WAIST AN HOUR PUSHING THE A BUTTON.
But anyway,if you wouldn’t mind.
Would also like to join a good car club with not tooo serious gamers, just guys that like to have fun.

scorps send me a friends request and I will help you with creds.

Well… I have decided not to accept credits from anyone. But thanks for offering. I will on the other hand accept useless cars or designs that you may want to get rid of. I decided to play the auction game last night, and managed to get a few cars I wanted to race with for …a good discounted price.
As I said earlier, anyone looking for a new club member, send me a friend request.
