Hot Wheels Eventlab Missing Pieces

Recently I started making my own blueprints (you can find on my topic in blueprints if your interested) and tonight I decided to try my hand at hot wheels custom tracks but noticed there are no magnet track pieces I didn’t think much of it until I tried driving my track and anytime there’s any type of decline my car goes flying off the track which while amusing is a little annoying and as there’s no magnet track i can’t build the track I want without cars flying off a huge let down if you ask me guess I’ll stick to not building my own track and just use the track already present hopefully in future we can be able to build our own magnet track


Yeah, as I recall I found the HW track both difficult to work with and disappointing in its lack of various special track pieces (not just magnet, I believe).


Ye the ice track magnet track and flume track aren’t there aswell it’s disappointing to say the least I have some cool ideas for hot wheels tracks but can’t do them sad times


I know how frustrating it can be building a hot wheels track.

As you said its soo easy to get your car to fly off if you don’t use the correct track piece. And it takes long time figuring what track pieces to use for what purpose.

You could never create whatever you like. Instead of you guiding the track, the track guides you.

My first proper track took me 5 days to build. And i was driving myself crazy like 7 hours a day.
The problem is you cant custom bend and size the track pieces. And that just limits you so much…
It is very difficult making nice and clean tracks. And for me if the track is not clean/has jumps like u say then its bad. And i dont like it overall.

The smoorher the better. But its difficult to accomplish that when the builder isnt flexible enough.

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Ye I’m still fairly new to creating my own blueprints and wanted to try my hand at hot wheels and it wasn’t what I expected lol I think with magent track it would levitate some of the problems but currently I think I lack the flexibility of being a hot wheels custom builder thanks for your response :blush::+1:t2:

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