Horizon updating right now. Something like 578 mb

Any idea what this update is?

[Mod Edit - a brief list of the content update changes is found in the 10-24 Week in Review - MM]

dunno, gonna see if R32 stock engine sounds is working , hopefully alot of fixes also, sucks getting disconnected quite often

No, but I may have received it as well.

I had to use the box to boot up my xbox and I had a notification when it powered on. The game also no longer appears as Forza Horizon 2 but as Forza Horizon 2 Special Edition.

R 32 sound is back. At least, on my end.

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Updating now, will be interesting to see what the patch notes are.

Got the update as well, and the sound of the R32 Skyline is working again!

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Logo Forza Horizon 2 in Photo

Maybe they fixed the Evo Aspiration as well?

That’s a bad addition!

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My Evo VIII still sounds NA :frowning:

Well this d explain why i cant connect to the servers…

anyone know where to check when they release the patch notes? I’d love to see everything they fixed

Check the news section for the week in review tomorrow.

99% of all patches on platform X get the release-notes before/during the rollout for user acceptance.

“Tomorrow” kinda beats the purpose of having release-notes at all.

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Looks like the audio issues are still there. The whole rev hang/glitch appears to be worse than usual.

Will be interesting to see what the patch notes say.

At least we have the R32 sound back I guess.

oh wow i love updates:)

Logo for Car Meet has changed… :wink:

EDIT maybe not…

Completed a race, went back to the map and the logo was back to normal!

Downloading now! Don’t tell me they didn’t fix the horrible rev hang/glitch when they finally decided to update the game???


Would like to see patch notes as well updating now.

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FYI: other people I know report you MIGHT need a cold-boot from your console before that patch works properly. Some games become “Stuck” on loading; a cold-reboot of console sorted it out.