Highlight braking points Signs

Its hard sometimes to see the signs 200 150 100 and 50 berfore the turns so if u highlight it its easier to se

Hello. I love the game, and normally I have to use the RACING LINE to play, as I am disabled. I have limited vision, as well as some other disabilities that hamper my gameplay.
But for this, my suggestion is related to my vision. I finally decided that the racing line was too easy, as I was learning the circuits, and so I tried turning it off, and doing some laps.
And so my idea was born. I think that an accessibility option to highlight (or maybe increase size) the distance boards, as what I noticed was that I just couldn’t see them, or if I could see them, I couldn’t read the numbers, until it was too late. Luckily rewind helps, but it would be nice to not have to use it.
Another possible idea is maybe to have the distance flash up on the HUD as an option, so when you hit 200, it flashes on the screen, and so on.
I guess this could be added to the other games in the range, and not just motorsport. Thank you!