Make Transparency/Size of Driving Lines and Track Limits Adjustable

I am older, so my eyesight and memory aren’t what they used to be and my time to play is limited by work and family, so it’s very tough for me to learn new tracks, especially some of the longer ones. Additionally, with the new weather and lighting systems a lot of the tracks are very hard to distinguish at speed because the road blends in with the background sometimes, especially on curves.

For tough tracks I’m not already familiar with I have to use the braking line or I just end up botching every turn and it’s no fun. The problem is that the braking line is so bold and huge that I find myself just playing “follow the line” rather than actually learning the track because the driving line sticks out so much visually and demands to be the center of your attention.

I think that the width and transparency should be editable by the user so that we can make it less obvious, allowing it to be more of an “if you need to look at it” assist and shift the focus back to the track itself when it’s in use.

On easier tracks I’ll use the ribbon limits instead which makes the turns a lot more visible but even that is pretty intrusive… It’s super bright and about a foot tall and makes me feel like I’m playing Tron instead of Forza. The flag limits are even worse because they are so bright and densely packed, it’s like driving at 400 mph through a tunnel. I think all of these settings would be great to have some control over transparency, brightness, etc., this would make them much more useful.

Related additional or alternative suggestion about changing the type of driving line instead of opacity here: Add 3rd Type of Driving Line: Static Line , serves some of the same purpose.