Hey i have a question and i am not sure if theres a thread about it.

So hey thanks for coming my question is on Rivals when it says if you win you get 2,500 for an example, so lets say i beat my rival in the circuit races and it says if i want to collect my reward or keep lapping, right so my question is if you keeping lapping and keep beating that rival do you win 2,500 everytime or only if you beat your rival the first time? thanks for taking the time to answer and i apologize if this was discussed somewhere i didnt see it. Have a good day.

You only get it the once.

You should be able to test this yourself.

Run laps until you beat the first rival and then beat a second one. Check what you win (check your cr balance before you start too).

I actually have no idea as I do not run rivals purely for cr.

EDIT: looks like its been answered.

Thanks you guys will do :slight_smile:

After you beat the first rival if you keep lapping and get faster times it will say at the end that you beat other rivals so and you usually get whatever reward was for those rivals that you beat when you kept lapping.