I need the weather to have thunder and lightning in an Event that I am doing
What weather combination should you use to have these effects?
Set the season to fall and weather to tropical storm or something to that effect
I have tried with
Time of day: night
Season: storms> heavy precipitation or rain
And I haven’t noticed thunder appearing
There should be an option separate from heavy precipitation, I think it’s one of the last on the list.
I’ve found certain weather and time of day combinations refuse to work, at least on some tracks.
I’ve yet to ever be able to do night time with tropical storm. It just kicks me into the freeroam setting (without telling me ahead of time). Wasted a lot of time trying to get this to work.
As for the light, heavy, and distant rain conditions where there is thunder that you experience in freeroam, the only way to get access to it in a race is to start a race with the freeroam conditions set while the weather is currently occurring in freeroam. Classic PGG move. It was true in FH4 and FH3 as well. Some weather conditions just can’t be manually set.
At least in FH3 you could set up a 10 race championship with all the weather set to freeroam so you could experience all the weather as it changed dynamically while you raced, but they took that feature out of the game for no reason whatsoever.
I did a couple of night/fog EventLab races, it really doesn’t look like the fog is present, again, is it season dependent? I had it set to Dry.
Very well, thanks very much for try help my
I confirmed you that maybe this is a bug, but, i could configure my event and was possible put the storm with lightning sound effects
In a few hours I will upload content regarding my new event and the weather settings to make it work .
I consider that it is a bug, because the first few times the effects did not appear