Hard tyres are COMPLETELY useless in Multiplayer

Even I’m using hard tires, they are almost same with Medium. Worns too much. And soft tyres worning way faster than medium. But Hard and Medium difference is not too much. Please add more duration to hard tyres for using.

Race tyres are really only useful on soft compound. Medium & Hard are only worthwhile if you have you ride setup completely spot on and playing MP

If you’re playing single player Medium & Hard compound are a complete waste of PI that could be used better e.g weight reduction

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Yes. I forgot to mention about SP. We need something for MP hard tyres and SP Career tire wearing. Medium most useful one in Multiplayer. Soft is only useful when you’re in E-C class.

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In endurance race. Hard tyres are meta.

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Yes finally hard tires useful.

The problem is the tyre deg modelling is difficult as the races are so short. But also feels off on the endurance length races (60min race)

Ideally you should be able to do a whole race on hards if it’s a medium length race. Which you can but the tyre drop off happens 1 or 2 laps before it ends. And It’s a fall off the cliff moment. Frankly they shouldn’t really but the time difference should me more more than mediums. And the softs should be far quicker than mediums.

Also I feel you cannot really save tyres. I’ve tried driving easy to conserve tyre wear but it makes no difference if you don’t abuse them. I suspect the tyre wear model is based on distance put on the tyres oppose to how hard you lean on them.

T10 hyped up the fact how good the tyre modelling was in this version but I still think it’s pretty basic compared to AC or any other sim.