Graphic Comparison From FM6 to FM7

Here is the PC version:

Edit: Added a shot of an AI driver, which has the lower quality models:

This is a inexplicable choice on PC…

I mean… i can push this game at 5160x2160 with MSAA8X Ultra settings and keep 100fps in every step. Smooth sailing. Why Team10 have removed these nice details on the PC version?

no sense for me.

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Annoyingly, it looks like you don’t get high LOD textures anymore in single car modes. At least on the XB1 version.

I’m just worried that the courses do not look to be improved visually very much, if at all, yet the car models have taken a huge hit. Why?

It’s worrisome seeing as a more powerful Xbox is due in a month.

Remember they did the same in Forza 6, less detail on track and lower detail car models than Forza 5, presumably to accommodate the higher number of cars on track at once.

This time round there’s the ‘dynamic’ weather plus the additional toll of rendering up to 24 separate driver models and costumes during a race, which must all add up. So you gain some things but lose other things.

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Add to that, there’s only so much power available from the console. They have to cut something somewhere for the S and original Xbox One, with all the added processing. I don’t think it’s to sell the One X(doesn’t hurt though), but more to do with hardware limitations, especially considering the constant 60fps target.

It’d be one thing if it was a few polygons, but this is unacceptable. The car models are worse than FM4.

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Unacceptable? Really? An unusable view is less detailed and that’s unacceptable? I think that’s a bit of a over reaction.

I played the demo on my xb1 and even on my projector thought the cars looked great. Admittedly, slightly disappointed Mugello’s return is slightly smeared by it looking identical to FM 4, from memory at least.

I’d imagine the one x will get the most out of the forza engine now, I’m surprised they have managed what they have with the normal one which is basically a toaster by modern standards. I’m certainly hoping for higher LOD more of the time, more detailed lighting, shaders and environments.

IMO T10 should get some credit but it’s true what they say, game development is a thankless task.

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Those of you with a final copy of the game, are the car models lower quality for the final version or was that just for the demo?

Yeah, I’m suddenly very curious about this too because the cars and all three tracks look really good in the demo but here we are with LOD complaints and the cars and tracks lacking complex modeling and texture detail.

Will the Xbox One X Even be able to show off all that processing power and graphical awesomeness if you don’t have a 4k TV?

I mean sure, if they want to sell the console this would be a good way to incentivize a small percentage of the population but unless you get a TV that can match that output why would you buy the console?

The PlayStation Pro enhances the graphics even if used on a 1080p TV. I’m sure the Xbox One X is capable of doing the same. Either through down sampling the resolution or things like enhanced lighting, shadows, better textures, etc. In Tomb Raider the options were 60fps, enhanced visuals, or 4k. I imagine something similar for the Xbox One X.

Maple Valley looks like absolute poop. I mean that seems harsh, and it seems like a throwaway comment, but even as you scream past the scenery it is IMPOSSIBLE to not notice the 2D very last gen circa 2007 quality of trees here.

I mean it’s not even tried to be hidden behind a smattering of 3D foliage. It’s right in your face, track side. There are LOADS of them. They look like placeholders to be filled in later on. This circuit needs more attention.

What on earth…

While we’re at it the clipping smoke and particle effects also looks poor. Alpha blending says hi? I know it can cost quite a bit computationally, but when Bioshock could do soft particles well in DX10 in 2007 I sorta expected a bit more here…Forza 6 did it better.

There has definitely been graphical trade offs against the older games


The thing I’ve noticed is that there is absolutely no texture to the tarmac on the courses anymore. There were patches of concrete all around Watkins Glen…now it’s a copy/pasta texture the whole way around.

Honestly, the whole graphics situation looks half-a**ed. I’m pretty disappointed with how crummy this game looks. Trade-off for processing power is fine, but they’re not doing anything substantially more taxing than in FM6, and these graphics look pre-Xbox One.

It looks bad. It’s that simple.

Oh, and to the guy who said graphics are worse because they added more cars…that’s storage vs. processing. Completely different.

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OK, more comparison’s for comparison’s sake…

They put stuff in the game we really didn’t care about (driver avatars). And took stuff out (details). Also I’d rather do away with dynamic weather if it causes a hit on graphic details elsewhere. Yeesh, this is looking like a “wait until it’s in the bargain bin.”


100% agree. I wanted this game because of graphics…we dont give a stuff about pink scarves…you cant even see em. We dont want cloudy skies that take the efge of the cars! We want graphics…details…smoke on a barby trackside, engine parts.
Oh dear…will the xbox one x save the day…or will it be toooo late?

If anyone has the Audi Quattro S1, have a drive in bonnet cam or dash cam.
The bonnet “vents” are laughable.
They look like black vinyl stickers, but wait…they’re also floating above the bonnet.
Even when it’s in the pits waiting for the race to start, it’s still visable.
Go to photo mode and they’re proper mesh vents.
Amazing that made it through quality control.

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Now that the Xbox One X is out and we got the Update for the X enhancements for those who did get a X. Those details are back on the Tankpool.

I still believe they stripped the graphics to make a bigger impact on the XBX…