Distinctly Average Racing League’s next one-off event is taking place this coming Sunday (2024-08-11T16:00:00Z). The title alone should give you an indication of the theme: Gordinis at the Glen 169!
Yes, we have a very special one-off race at Watkins Glen to celebrate the magnificent - and meme-worthy - Renault 8 Gordini, and it follows on from our successful one-off British Petit Prix (British Petit Prix - 28 July, 5pm BST), which took place last month.
In DARL Season Two, the little Gordini was the fun but hilarious car choice as it slithered, slid and drifted its way around circuits aiming to keep up with more stable vehicles, and for that it deserves a reprise for all to enjoy.
- It is an open-build up to B 550 PI with the exception of engine and drivetrain swaps.
- The race will be 69 laps of the short variant of the circuit with 3x tyre wear and local weather
- We expect to see a lot of drifting.
If you’re interested in taking part, please do join the DARL server: all are welcome: Distinctly Average Racing League
For info, DARL runs a different one-off event every fortnight (details for the one at the end of the month will be announced this weekend) alongside the regular championship (Celebrating British Motorsport - Distinctly Average Racing League Season Four now open for entries!), so please do join our friendly server!
We hope to see you on track this weekend!