I have mentioned my racing league - the Distinctly Average Racing League - a few times on this forum before (e.g Distinctly Average Racing League Season Three now open for sign-ups).
I’m delighted to say we’re running another one-off event at the end of the month: '70s F1 cars at Silverstone. All are welcome to join: please see the attached poster and YouTube video (do like and subscribe, etc etc) for more information.
For background, DARL was established in 2012 and we have been running successful championships for more than a decade. What started out as a way for friends to regularly race together in an organised fashion while shooting the breeze has morphed into a series which now regularly sees more than 20 people turn up for race evenings.
Ever since day one, DARL’s main ethos has been to run competitive yet relaxed races: the social aspect is important as the on-track activities. Unlike most other online racing leagues, we operate DARL on a “race when you can, real life comes first” basis: nobody will ever be kicked out of a championship for missing rounds – all we ask is that people communicate in advance when they can and cannot race with us.
Please note that you will need to have a working microphone in order to race, plus it is a series requirement to use your full name and be aged 18 or above. Drivers are also required to switch the proximity radar on, which reduces the likelihood of incidents occurring.
If you’re interested in joining us, please join our Discord here: Distinctly Average Racing League