Distinctly Average Racing League returns to its roots on Forza Motorsport. Fancy joining us?

Distinctly Average Racing League has been going for over in a decade in various forms (we started on FM4, ran 10 seasons - although the origins extend way beyond those championships - there was a hiatus followed by nine seasons on PC2) and now we returning to Forza Motorsport, using the latest game.

We’re always looking for friendly people who may wish to join the series: DARL is as much about the friendships that have formed over the years and catching up with pals as it is the racing. We operate a ‘race when you can’ mantra - after all, real life comes way before online racing, so it’s not a problem at all if you miss the odd week or three.

The first season of rebooted DARL will use the '94 Mazda MX-5 Miata (I can provide details of the full build upon request).

With the exception of endurance races (which are 1hr 15 minute long and feature a mandatory pitstop), the evening will consist of three 15 minute-long (or thereabouts) races.

Unless specified otherwise, the first race will start at 2030 (UK time) on Friday nights and we will not wait for latecomers. As in previous iterations of DARL, we will run ‘unofficial’ practice lobbies before 2030.

If any incidents occur during the races they will be investigated by the stewards at the end of the evening.

Forza Motorsport allows the lobby host to set custom times for sessions. With the exception of endurance races, Race One takes place at noon, Race Two at 4pm and Race Three at 6pm. The start time for endurance races is tbc.

The weather will be set to ‘variable’ for all races and competitors are free to choose their own strategy options. Time progression will be set at x1 speed.

Dynamic track rubber will be applied as follows:
Race One: 0%
Race Two: 25%
Race Three: 50%
Endurance races: 0%

The grid ordering will be set as follows: random for Race One (and endurance races) and then reverse fastest lap for races two and three.

After each race, the top three finishers will be required to add success ballast ahead of the next race occurring. If a driver with success ballast applied finishes in the top three positions, they will be required to go one notch up. If a driver with success ballast finishes outside the top three positions, they will be able to remove it.

For the first race of the evening - and the sole endurance race - the top three drivers according to the championship standings will be required to add success ballast.

Please note that you will need to have a working microphone in order to race. Drivers are also required to switch the proximity arrows on, which reduces the likelihood of incidents occurring.

Full details (including the calendar - the first race evening is scheduled to run on Nov 24 - and points system) are available on our Discord server; should you be interested in hearing more, please let me know and I will invite you to the server.


I’m very interested. I’ve been looking for a new group to join, but the UK start times are difficult for me, as it puts me gaming mid-afternoon on a school day. Responsibilities suck in your 30s. Don’t grow up, kids.

However, if I’m able, I would love to join up. I just can’t make a commitment do it yet. Is Discord required? I hate discord, but I guess if there’s no other choice.

I’m all about racing clean and treating the game as the closest thing I’ll get to actually getting to race, so I take it fairly seriously. I’m on controller still, but hope to upgrade to wheel one day soon.

Thanks for your interest in the series. I appreciate the timing isn’t great for Americans, but as the series is run by a Brit - hi there! - and eight out of the current 13 entrants are based in the UK (with a further two more pals to add onto that), you can see why we race at a suitable time for the majority.

As mentioned in my OP, we run it on a ‘real life comes first’ basis, so if you miss the odd week that’s not a problem at all. As long as you let me know a day or so in advance whether you’re able to race or not, that’s fine. Yes, Discord is required: (a) the rulebook and car build is posted there, along with the results and (b) we use the voice chat function during races.

Most of us have controllers, so you’d be in good company. Shout if you’ve got any other questions.

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Thanks for the reply! I ended up finding another group that worked better for me on the scheduling front. I hope you guys get lots of great recruits though!

As the series starts this Friday, this is a last call for people to let me know if they’re interested in joining. Cheers.

A minor bump for this thread: We’re part-way through the season, but if you’re happy to join in mid-season, we’d love to have you join in the fun and games of DARL. Plus you’ll get a heads-up about our plans for S2, which involve '60s touring cars. Oh yes!

Feel free to DM me on here if you’ve got any questions. Ta.

Are you guys still looking for people? The times I’m off work range, but I’d love to pop in and race with other folks from time to time. Just need the discord link!

Hi. Our first season concluded last week, but we’re running S2 from 23 Feb (see my other topic). If it appeals, please send me a PM and we can go from there. Cheers.

Hi - I responded here six days ago and sent a PM via Xbox yesterday without any reply. Shall I assume you’re not interested any more? If so, it would be nice to let me know one way or another out of courtesy. Thanks.

(For anyone who happens to be reading this, is interested and will respond to subsequent communication, feel free to get in touch and I’ll invite you to the Discord server so you can join in DARL S2. Since I posted DARL S1 details here, I’ve had four people express interest, I’ve followed up within 24 hours (much less in most cases) and then all four people have ghosted me. Please restore my faith in this forum!)

Anyway, S2 DARL looks to our biggest and best yet: by my calculations, we should have 20+ entries, including a couple of people that raced in the FM4 days and are returning. Still room for some new people to join the fun. See the separate thread here for more info: Distinctly Average Racing League Season Two now open for sign-ups - #4 by Thatcargeek

Hello there I’m very interested in joining like so many I’ve been searching for a league with a more relaxed feel.

Hi - you’re more than welcome to join us. I’ll send you a PM on here and we can go from there.

Hi - I sent a message to you via PM on here on here and have also sent messages via Xbox PM without a response. Shall I assume you’re yet another person from this forum who claims to be interested and then fails to respond?