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I get about two or three games in and it all of a sudden crashes and goes back to main menu on Xbox SX. Mainly on multiplayer. A lot of times you get through practice get through qualifying go to race and it never makes it there. Anybody else having this problem?
I have a very similar problem. When the intermission before the race counts down to :01, I get a spinning dial, waiting to start the race. It will stay in this condition for 2-5 minutes, and usually goes to the race. Sometimes it times out and kicks me out and says “No open sessions”, or “lobby is full” (something like that).
When this does happen, and I get to race, and after I complete the race and continue to the next race, I always get a message that says the playlist could not be downloaded.
I thought it was being caused by a poor internet connection, but there are no system warnings or other indications of a poor network connection.
When this happens, I have to exit, then restart the game. After which, I can join another multiplayer event
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Seems @T10ManteoMax template is working now they post with the stuff
Simple search brings you to multiple threds with same issue