A few times my console has quit to the dashboard whilst in a lobby for multiplayer race, probably only 4 times since i got the game at launch, has anyone else had this happen…?
Probably a dozen times. Does it in other games too though, so it’s more of a console issue than anything to do with Forza. Happens randomly to friends of mine all the time too.
This was happening to me quite a bit a few weeks ago but i started to do a system reset once a week and it hasn’t happened since,might be coincidence,might have fixed it definitely annoying when it happens though
I was in a great race, in the lead by a little, and about 3/4 of the way through the final lap and it happened to me. Needless to say, I wasn’t too happy about it. I had it happen quite a bit for a while ther and had to contact Xbox about it. The guy who helped me, said its from fluctuations in your internet connection. I have no idea how true that is. Could be 100% true, could be nonsense too. He changed a bunch of settings for me and its helped some. Still happens, but not as often.
this happens to me every night at least 2-3 times a night… It might be an XBOX 1 stability issue, which they are supposed to be coming out with an update on the 11th so maybe the freezing will go away then. Its not just Forza 5 but it also happens when I play bf4
There is a Xbox Console update in the works because this is one of the issues. It is not a Forza Motorsport 5 issue, but one the LIVE folks are plenty away of to fix.
There must be still an issue with Forza 5 itself.
It happens often that i am thrown out of the multiplayer lobby back to the title screen.
What it just needs is to press UP on wrong time(lets say,watching other peoples cars and you want to go back to your car) and woooops…title screen.
^This message was posted about a year ago.
I just got my xbox one 2 weeks ago and I’m having the crash to the home screen issue.
i haven’t crashed out of a lobby, i have crashed out of races and trying to load a tune. one night we did have a crew of 8 jerks driving lime green cars trying to crash out everyone and when we started voting them out they started voting us out and since they already knew who each other were they were able to vote us out faster than we could figure out who all of them were. but that wasn’t crashed out, it was voted out. forza put us in a different lobby and we were able to vote the ones we remembered out as soon as they came in and easily vote out the minority we missed on the 1st go round because they were stupid enough to all be driving the same lime green cars. after they voted us all out i suppose they realized there was nobody left to crash and went hunting for new victims. they cam in between races so they couldn’t vote to boot or for the track. we treated them in the lobby like they treated us on the track. he who laughs last…
The magic word that keeps cropping up in relation to Xbox One and especially Forza Motorsport 5 is…UPDATE.
To put it simply and politely, “more please!”
i get it once a night usually a few races into finding a good lobby with no people bashing all the time kind of annoying as when i rejoin a game its always got bashers
It happened again today, twice. First was when i was in the lead in the middle of a race, suddenly screen went black followed by a message like “you have been disconnected”, something like that. This is different to the game resetting altogether which i have also had. The second instance was when buying a car and cycling through the recommended paint jobs, the game rebooted. Something needs fixing…
In multiplayer lobbies, it usually happens if you go over the names of the other people in the lobby (to view their car, vote to kick, etc). I stopped doing that and haven’t crashed out of a lobby in weeks.
usually don’t have issues, but during peak times the internet around here lags. Usually once school is out from 3 ish until 7-8 pm the internet gets laggy. If i wait until 9ish or after i have no issues.