Ok, I’m very confused by something and was hoping someone could shed some light on it. I’ve been going around trying to set PBs on every track in D class. So, I’ve been pushing the cars a little harder than I normally would. One thing I just don’t understand is why cars seems to turn in better when they are in a higher gear. There’s the one turn and I take it at like 100 MPH in a Celica on Alps Festival. Well 4th gear in that car will go to 110 normally. Yet, the car won’t make this one turn unless I shift into 5th gear. If I leave it in 4th while doing 100mph, it understeers and doesn’t come all the way around. If I shift to 5th and still go 100 mph at the beginning of the turn, it makes the turn with ease. I then have to shift back to 4th after the turn is over though. That’s just one example. I have the same issues in my Mini, Corvette and Chevelle, so I really don’t think its a car specific thing. For whatever reason, I never really noticed it until today. Am I imagining it?
Its really not a big deal, but I don’t get it at all and would really like to understand why. Anyone?