Bug Info: Received instant Disqualification just shortly after race start in Multi-class racing (C,A,R)
Platform: Windows PC
Edition: Premium
Account: solo account
Peripheral: N/A
Settings: Ultra, Hardcore, No handicaps, North America.
Xbox Settings: N/A
Attempted fixes: (Have a Support ticket? rebooted, reinstalled, set settings to default, rolled back drivers, etc)
Content Update: Most recent content update
since there was a brief Dev talk about FRR, I have a clip here in regards to a specific situation that seemed… a tad unfair.
here’s a clip below in said situation:
Race starts
banked road causes slippage
to help stabalize, i briefly went off track on the flat road
in that moment i did pass 2nd before going off track, & i also pass 1st place JUST before penalty applies
End result is a DQ.
hope this helps.
Has anyone else experienced this or is it a genuine part of the game?
Twice now in multiclass I’ve been smashed off the track at the very start of a race upon returning to the track my car ghosts and I’m disqualified instantly.
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I haven’t had this myself, but have seen it happen.
This happened in a multiclass lobby (C-A-R) at Daytona. Someone had to avoid the car ahead standing still at the start (R-class car that was placed in C-class, therefore placed ahead but starting with other R-class cars).
When our group (A-class) got to go, we all had to avoid this car from a standstill on the banking. The person that got DQ’d chose to go below the car, went off track ever so slightly and instant DQ message + ghosting.
It’s okay, that guy who divebombed all 23 players only got 5 seconds. He can keep racing (:
But yeah it’s pretty much been a thing since launch that driving over the finish line while off-track has a chance to give you an instant DQ.
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I got instant disqualification, on start of multiclass race on spa, I was in c class car, but there were 2 bugged R class cars ahead, and someone didn’t see him, drove into 1st one, bounced of to 2nd one when I was trying to pass him on it’s right, , and by domino effect I got pushed into pit wall by this glitched car, Got instant disqualification…
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it looks like you wiped out a few people and cut the track, full throttle.
To me it looks like you hit the Aston in front of you, then went off track without slowing down and completed an illegal pass.
The hit from the black car doesn’t really seem to have affected the attitude of your car, nor to be the cause of you hitting the Aston.
Looks that maybe the penalty is harsh, but not undeserved.
For me it looked like Aston pushed him off track because he didn’t realize there’s someone, and tbh Aston should get penalty for that, not seeing someone don’t mean u can force someone off track…
the guy behind job to get around, not everyone looking at their backs.
Could be the Aston was maybe just looking at his/her line and jumped to the line.
I tried to overtake the aston that then blocked me causing me to hit it, it then pushes me off track, the illegal overtake is me overtaking them, and we both got disqualified.
u know what, in english language everyone is just “it”, u can’t decode someones gender based on how someone writes 
In polish for eg. u need to change how u write verbs depending on gender.
“I’ve been”:
She: Ja byłam
He: Ja byłem
But in english i can just assume anything i like. 
I think your accusation that the Aston blocked you is unfounded, both on the intent and on the illegality.
The Aston barely moves to the left (which is towards the racing line there I’m pretty sure), while a car is overtaking them on the right. There’s really no reason to think they were reacting to you more than they were reacting to that, or even just moving into the racing line.
But that doesn’t even matter. At worst, it’s just a defensive move. They’re allowed a defensive move. They don’t have an obligation to step out of the way for you. Even without that move, there was barely any space for an overtake, and I think you were far enough that you had the opportunity to lift off the throttle and wait for a better opportunity.
Instead, you pressed ahead, even while you were off-track, and overtook the Aston, that’s on you.
Based on the evidence presented, my opinion is you’re at fault for hitting the Aston, the Aston did nothing wrong, and the black AMG deserves a penalty for hitting you. I wouldn’t deal a DQ for either though.
While the contact was probably her fault (zipping past multiple cars at the start is fun, but not conducive to making clean passes), it looks like the disqualification was due to being off the track for 1.61 miles. The contact penalty never seems to resolve as the disqualification makes it pointless.
It looks like there is some sort of bug with the off-track penalties. Maybe it is the track or maybe something to do with the start of the race.
All of what you just said i said. 
The point isn’t my move, the point is the DQ
If you go slightly off track after start in Multiplayer Races, the game gives you a 2,4km penalty and disqualifies you from the race instantly. This happened to me in Daytona and needs to be fixed.
At the start on Daytona raceway in the multiclass, I was disqualified immediately after the start. Due to the strange angle of the road, everyone slid diagonally again and had a minimal touch with the car in front of me. No spin, no gained position, nothing.
After this, the announcement immediately followed that I was disqualified. I was not aware of it at first, but that must be because it was my first time. When I understood that the disqualification was a fact, I saw that several cars in our class had been disqualified at the start.
So I was immediately put back to C class in terms of safety… Of course. That is not my biggest problem, but the bug caught my attention because I had never experienced it after many races.
There should never be standing starts on oval banks. Do rolling starts there or move where we start.