Anyone Noticed An Increase in Penalties Recently¿

Just want to see if it’s my imagination. I feel like I’m getting penalties in situations I hadn’t previously. Multiplayer only.

I’m fine with it as long as it’s consistent.

What I’ve noticed is a big increase in off-track penalties and a decrease in collision penalties to the point where they basically don’t exist. Go wide on a high-speed turn exit? 2.5s penalty. Slam into someone at Mach 5 at turn 1? No penalty.

Just looking at the race results I’ll rarely see anyone with over 4 seconds of penalty, despite watching them punt multiple people off track.


Off track looks more harsh, even if the cut is actually making you loose Time, you take a lot of penalty(or too harsh one) for no reason

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But it’s probably not.

I actually was penalty free for once… At least free from penalties cause by rammers and punters. When I slid off the track at Hakone, I got served a 30 second penalty.

Also, I have a question about the person on the radio telling me I have a penalty. Whose side is she on? She sounds so confident to tell me I got a penalty. You can hear pride in her voice, no sympathy, nothing to say to remind me to pay attention, or even say something to calm me down, nope! Just boldly blurt out “TOTAL TIME PENALITY IS ABOUT ## SECONDS!” I’m beginning to think she doesn’t like me.

Could I turn her off, but keep the dude talking about the cars in the Builders Cup on? There’s a slider for voice over, but I have the feeling that it controls both of them. I only want her to cease and desist.

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Lol, you aren’t wrong about Ms. Can’t Tell Time. She does seem oddly pleased about our deficiencies.

As for the others, I can’t say one way or the other on collision penalties, as I don’t have that happen very often anymore. My recent lobbies (say, the last two weeks?) have been ultra-clean and pretty much exactly what I want from this game. It’s been refreshing. Maybe they tweaked some stuff on the back end, or just testing different stuff. Who knows.

I agree on the off-track penalties being harsh right now. Even if you slow down or give the spot up, you still receive the penalty. So there isn’t much point in being sportsmanlike if you’re going to receive the penalty regardless.

I really just wanted to see if anyone else had noticed a difference. I only average 1 penalty every 4 or 5 races now, so it isn’t a major thing.

Ok, can we be real here for a minute?

Why am I getting penalized for using the purpose built runoff room on roadcourses?

SCCA doesnt penalize for that and neither does FIA or any other sportscar racing. Believe me, I race SCCA. This needs to be fixed.


I’ve been getting off track penalties where I haven’t been even near the edge of the track. It’s either a glitch, a lagging server, or just a terrible penalties system. I’m betting on the terrible penalties system.

“Total Time penalty is about 3seconds”

Mic off


So it’s currently worse ? oO

The only problem when making that comparison is in real life, SCCA competition, no one is likely to hit the escape road at 110 and try to make it back onto the track.

A lot of the issue in games like this is the disconnect between those that treat it like a sim, and those that treat it like a video game to be won. There’s no penalty system that can stand up to people trying to exploit it for gain (what gain that is, I’m not sure. We don’t even have stats)

But yeah, I totally agree. If I slow down and take the escape road or bypass road as intended, re-enter the track without gaining time or position, that should be ok. I totally agree with being penalized if their is a time gain or its done to keep position. Going off track while others are within 1-3 seconds should result in a place drop.

Hard to tell since it’s all subjective.

I get zero penalties in 90% of races anyway because I always intend to race clean and stay within track limits.

Yes I’m finding track limit penalties really harsh