Gameplay Motion Blur too strong XSX

During Gameplay motion blur is too strong.

A sharper overall image would improve the gameplay image and track visually rather than having such strong motion blur. The track seems too blurred most of the time.

Please update to provide a sharper image on XSX

Thank you.

On PC you can reduce motion blur and I’ve heard that with game files too, and speaking of game sharpness, if you’re on PC you can adjust the sharpness from the nvidia or AMD panel.
I would recommend turning this up to 50%

However if you’re on console, there isn’t much of an option, the only one currently available would be to adjust the sharpness on your monitor or TV, sadly :frowning:

Hi! On Xbox, they use TAA edge smoothing, which, although it results in very good image quality, makes the sharpness of the image a little softer. So it’s not the motion blur, it’s the reason. Of course, it would be better if the game included an extra sharpening by default, and then average gamers wouldn’t have to play tricks with it, but there is the solution for this.

You can get a fairly sharp image on a console using the following method. Play in Performance mode because in this mode the game is in 4K and higher resolution (RT mode is not prettier anyway, it’s no coincidence that the developers also recommend Performance mode). The other is to turn up the image sharpness on the TV to around 50%, since TAA performs very good edge smoothing, so the sharpness can easily be at 50%. The image will be much sharper. Good game!

Please add the ability to turn off Motion Blur on Xbox Series X|S consoles.