Awful blurry video when turning (which is 80% of the time)

Ok I’ve googled and read things, but most of the time when the word “motion blur” is used, the best I can tell is that it’s referring to things on the edges of the screen, or things that are flying past you. That’s not what I’m talking about.
When I turn left or right, the whole picture blurs. I did a race last night with a short track and many turns and the screen is just one giant blur.
I do see it in some videos on youtube, but it’s so bad on my 4K Visio HDR tv I’m at the point where I’m ready to give it up, and I’ve been racing for 10 years since Forza Motorsport 1.
Here are 3 examples shot at 60 frames / second on my iphone.
I’m running a VISIO M55-E0 55 inch 4K UHD HDR SMART - 60hz
xbox ONE X
Note: on the TV I have on the “360 Clear Action Rate, provides blur free, clear motion.” It does nothing on or off.
See examples:

None of your links work. However, what you describe totally sounds like the TV adding motion blur. The latency on that TV isn’t high, so there must be extra processing going on. Is it 120Hz? Lose that. Do you have Game Mode? Are certain picture and TV settings not valid for the input you’re plugging the console into? Have you tried other games? Any FPS or open world game should do, then spin the camera around.

OK, I FIXED this links so they are now visible. Check them out, I find it hard to believe that this is how it’s supposed to be on an xbox one x

Plus I went to costco, as well as 2001 audio visual with my xbox one X and tested other tvs.
There is a $1000 Visio, with 120 hz and it did the exact same thing! I tried other more expensive samsungs and they did it as well.
Now, I did get to try a Panasonic and a Samsung that were both $1500 - higher end QLED that were definitely BETTER. Ironically, the best one on the Samsung, to get the motion blur the least, you had to turn OFF the gaming settings.
I also have spent more time with Forza 7, and while it does have motion blur, it’s not as bad as horizon, and livable - but because the environments are so big in Horizon though, with trees, building, etc, when you’re turning it’s just aweful.

I recently saw a youtube video of a guy playing horizon 4 on a pc at 60 fps and though YES that is how I want to see it, no motion blur! (will, a little but livable)

Maybe I’ll be forced to PC?

I have a TCL 4K HDR TV and an X. I played FH3 first and never noticed anything until I bought FM7 and started playing that more. I believe, like you hinted in your last post, that it just has to do with 30 vs 60 fps. Once you play 60fps Motorsport for a while, you notice the difference in a framerate that is only 50% as good.

I play FM7 much more than FH3 now, but if you just accept the 30fps you’re eyes will get used to it after playing for a while.

If you buy FH4 (which I don’t own yet), you can switch from 30 to 60 (and lose 4k) and see if that is indeed the problem.