Image sharpness keeps changing during gameplay

Hi all,

During gameplay (races, rivals, etc) the image keeps changing its sharpness: it goes from being sharp (where I can see step-like edges) to being very smooth. This happens all the time, while I drive. It is very noticeable looking at the round border of the rev counter, but also looking at the far end of the track in front. And this is were it comes to be very annoying: this toggling from sharp to soft image every few seconds is very noticeable on my TV and distracts me a lot from driving.
It does nto seem to be related with the number of other cars on the screen or other things that can affect the computational power required. It seems to just happen every few seconds.

I have looked for this in the internet and in the forums but I have not find a clear answer. Apologies if it was already discussed, can you please point me there? The only discussion I have found is the lack of anti aliasing, but it seems to me that anti aliasing is completely missing from FM5, as opposed to what I am noticing.

Did anyone else notice, and is annoyed by, this sort of thing?



Dive into the menus of your TV and turn off ALL artificial assists that are supposed to make your TV better. And by ALL, I mean ALL. Most likely the issue you are having has got something to do with artificial increase of refresh-rate and such.

First thing I do when turning a new TV on: disconnect all inputs, turn off all TV assisted features, update firmware (if possible) and go from there troubleshooting any screen issues.

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Thank you. So the problem might originate from the TV rather than the Xbox… I’ll give it a try.



Yep, usually TV’s have things called ‘motion plus’ ‘crystal image’, stuff like that, and it plays merry hell with your gaming!
My Toshiba TV has auto dynamic contrast, pixel motion and other such nonsense that has to be turned off.
Also, if your TV has a ‘Game’ mode that usually turns most of that stuff off in one click. :slight_smile:

Yup… Got a Toshiba as well; had a professional calibrate the Hollywood Night mode to avoid all artificial adjustments and get the color correctly.

Hi guys,

Yes, you are all right, it was the TV. It solved setting “game mode” on. I also tried to switch off each of the advanced picture settings at a time, and I had some improvements, but never the beautiful picture obtained with “game mode”.

Thanks for your help! I can really enjoy the ring now!



Turn off all of the TV settings. Then go to the xbox’s system settings and run the screen calibration function. It will take a little time, but is 100% worth it. One thing, make sure you do it at the time of day, and under the lighting conditions you play/watch it most under. Remember, all TV manufacturers jack the **&%$ out of the systems to make their sets look good on the big box store’s sales floor. The xbox calibration function is actually good for how you will be using it.

Good to know dude, now other people who search for this can hopefully find this and get the answers they need straight away!