Gameplay - Collisions stops working in private lobbies

Bug Info: Collisions stops working in private lobbies.
Platform: Any platform
Content Update: The one that introduced Sunset Peninsula.

Basically, As of right now there seems to be an rather large bug in privat lobbies that causes all collisions to desync between players, Similar to how the invisible car bug worked last year, However this time around instead of the car being invisible the car is fully visible and it’s causing chaos in private lobbies.

Some evidence of it can be found here:
Failrace vstc where we do weekly races, 4 races. So far every 4th race has had this exact issue, Skim trough it thanks :slight_smile: do note that we do an complete new lobby every 2nd race due to participant numbers.

Another Failrace VSTC where it happened at Silverstone, Once again the 4th race with an whole lobby restart after our 2nd race.
As you can see in the image the mustang on the right and the Lexus on the left has no collision with the McLaren in the middle. Both the mustang and Lexus driver are able to the see the McLaren.

Some more issue from other drivers in another event
Same race as above
Same Race as above, From a different driver
Same driver, Same race.

Update 1: Still happening after the BMW update. As showcased on this link. This was on the day of the update. This seriously needs to start being looked into.

As of right now this is happening in retail FM, I got no idea why or how it’s happening and if anyone else is experiencing the same problem as we are experiencing here. Could it be host related? we don’t know we have not tested.

If there is any questions needed, Please do let me know.

Seems to be getting worse too. We only experienced it in our league a few times after the Sunset Peninsula update, usually while changing track variants in the same session, or if people joined during a race in progress and joined in for the next race. Since the November update, we have had this happen in at least 1 of our 2 weekly race nights per week.

We have experienced 3 variants of it:

  1. Some cars have no collisions at all. Cars will drive right through each other with no impact for either car, and cars with the issue will provide no draft to each other.
  2. Some cars will only have collisions on one side. Player A will see themselves drive through Player B with no impact, Player B will see themselves get rammed by Player A.
  3. One car will be essentially invincible/unstoppable, it can push cars out of the way with no controller vibration for impacts and no loss of speed.

The 3rd one also seems to be happening in public lobbies, so I’m not sure if the other 2 can happen in public lobbies as well.

We thought we found a workaround, loading into an entirely different circuit and reloading back to the track we are actually going to run, and this appeared to fix it several times, but a few times it did not fix it and we ended up having to make an entirely new lobby.


Yeah, pretty much the same issue on our end. We have not tried the other method you mentioned of switching tracks and back. Will have to try it out and see if it fixes it.

Update: It did not. Still had collision issues.

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Still broken as of the BMW update.