Free Exclusive Car Pack for launch customers

Just got this email saying I got a free Forza 5 exclusive car pack. Anyone else receive this email?

Looks fishy…and I don’t wanna click on it if no one else got it. I did buy the game Day One digitally and never got the Day One cars…but I dunno…

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Yeah, I haven’t gotten anything like that, and it looks kind of fishy to me also. I’d hold off for further confirmation. Others will be able to chime in if it is indeed legit.

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I just saw your message and checked my email. I got the same thing. The email looks like the same one I got when xbox gave me a free xbox one. I would say it is legit, I redeemed the code, and its legit… Congrats… Every one, check those email, its christmas again,

What did you get for redeeming the code?

No email here so this might seem like an American customer only thing again

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Good question. I need to know if it’s worth it to keep checking my mail…

i also received this email today. it is legit but i went to redeem the code (which i thought i had already done on day 1) and nothing happens. i didnt receive the 3 cars they are supposed to give out. also, has anyone gotten this economy update i kept hearing about back in december? I’m pretty sure i haven’t gotten it and i don’t see anything in my game about drifting, tag, or drag racing …

Here is what you get for the free car pack.
and here is how you can redeem it.

I don’t have access to my email for my live account, haven’t checked it in forever. :frowning:

When you guys redeem the DLC code, what is the name of it in the list of Xbox dashboard add-ons?

It’s not for everyone. Just people that got the digital version. Others have reported it around the net today.

Ahhh, that explains it. Thanks to those that have provided the info. :wink:

Never got such an Email? & What does it specifically do again? I Have these pack’s… LCE, VIP, Day One, X2 Email LE Day One Car’s, Mountain Dew #88 Camaro ZL1. Only thing i’m missing is the Car Pass. :(~…

“Edit”… Oh Never mind i get it now i guess… Only Digital Edition Owner’s got the Free Day One X3 Car Pack?¿?

I Was always thinking it would be a good idea to include a Digital Download Code In The Purchase Of A Disk In The Casing. It’s like pushing you to buy the game twice if you want “Smooth Access” From Any System & Anywhere you are! Killer Instinct Bought from the MS Store i Believe come’s with a Disk & Downloadable Digital Code for the Full Game, 40$ Version. & I Really wish i could just have access to both, i mean i did buy the FULL Game Disk already, if i wanted to just download it digitally cause maybe the disk was damaged & i had to reset my system i’d be stuck with buying the game twice. there should be at least some sort of verification method & deal if you own the Disk Version.

Nothing in my email (

I got one this morning. I’m in the UK so its not just a USA thing.

I think the problem was that when you scanned the QR code to give you the whole game as a download AND the day one pack, you only got the game not the extra pack DLC.

But I worked out that the was a type in code above the QR code that you had to manually input, which I did after about 2 weeks of wondering where my day one car pack was.

I don’t think many people realises that you had to type in the code and so they has sent this out to remind people or simply to stop complaints.

ANYWHO I have a spare code now, so it anyone has any other spare codes im up for swapping :wink:

I go a code and installed the day one pack with 3 extra cars, question is do you still have to buy the cars with cr/tokens or should they be added to your garage?

like all the DLC you have to buy them in game with credits.

its only cars sent to you by Turn 10 that are free in game.

Thanks, I thought that was the case but wanted to make sure. I have 3,800,000CR so can buy any car :blush:

i got this message too. its crap. you don’t get any free cars, you get 3 cars added to the buy list, a gallardo, a focus st, and an audi tt. they have decent commemorative designs on, but you still have to buy them. as far as i’m concerned, thats a pretty crappy way to treat us day one owners. i went out of my way to get hold of it at day one, and thats the thanks i get. i’m about done with turn10 tbh. this is not fan appreciation dlc. forza 5 is very disappointing in terms of ‘vanilla’ content. i don’t want to feel forced into buying vip, but it seems to be the case.

I got this email and I know I already have the day one pack. So I’ve got a spare code.