not sure if anybody else has noticed but there is a bug now after the update, under tuning, the accel times all start with 0.0 seconds.
the first 3 stats when in the tuning menu, 0-60 mph, 0-100 mph, 1/4 mile, all start with 0.0 secs now after this update.
and its for all cars, not any single one.
and yes i did try restarting the game to see if that would fix it and it did not.
My Race Shop has thrown a wobbly, the restock timer is now 59 minutes and 59 seconds after which the Race Shop doesn’t refresh anyhow, seems to be a bit of a buggy update…
FFB is just as poor as it was before. Spent an hour and half trying to dial it in, only to once again realize that you cannot get it right. Either it:
A) tells you about the tyre grip but that tyre force overwhelms the wheel when correcting slides or
[Mod Edit - Profanity & user removed - D]
There’s no middle ground to be found and even if you do it’s only for that car. Also there’s still an overall laggy feel to the forces. Just give any car a bit more of a left right and the FFB will take over and murder it by itself.
I don’t know why they’re bothering with it. If it’s for the Forza RC guys, they’ll just disable FFB, that’s what most iRacing top pros do anyway.
So I just installed the update (Xbox, Fanatec P1 wheel, V2.5 Base) and after hoping that the FFB system would be fixed I am overwhelmingly disappointed. Force Feed Back is strong going down a straight section of track but the wheel is still “twitching” left and right and as soon a you enter a turn the FFB goes to zero. There is no improvement. Looks like I’ll be driving Forza 6 until the next update because this one is a loser for Fanatec wheel users.
What are your settings both in game and on the wheel?
I can set up my game and wheel to whatever you have and see what you are talking about. It will also give me an idea of how strong of a wheel you are looking for to compare with my set up. Perhaps I can find you a decent middle ground. Nothing personal but I there are several ways to get the feel you want and some combinations have side effects that get magnified if not balenced especially when you add in the additional settings that the Fanatec wheel offer.
Ok now that you have your settings posted so you can go back to them if you want.
I have an Xbox One X
Fanatec V2 wheel base…universal rim.
Please change everything on your wheel and in game to what I give you and tell me what you feel after you try it out for a few races and a few different cars.
On your wheel…
Abs…off is ok ( mine is at 67 but this is all preference )
BrF…30 ( I recently went to 40 with this.)
FEI…not sure what this is as I have an older firmware update without this. ( Maybe someone can post a response ) or try Off and on and see if it’s noticed.
I use Sim steering but you may prefer Normal here as with other assists applied.
I use No traction or stability or Abs…all off
Manual but without clutch mostly
Now in game…
FFB scale…200… ( I know this works on a Fanatec but in case someone with a different make wheel tries this may be pretty strong for the wheels motor so be cautious )
Aligning torque scale…66
Mechanical trail scale…155
Pneumatic trail scale…109
Road feel scale…6
Wheel damper…9
Center spring…0
Wheel rotation…720
Steering linearity…50
*** in theory our wheels should feel at least similar now.
Now if this feels strong for you lower the FFB 1 number at a time to 14 ( you should have this at 15 already from my settings above for the wheel ) and try driving then treat if needed lowering it to 13. Leave all the game settings the same and only change the wheel FFB.
Your Fanatec should have 5 presets so I set them all the same as memtioned up top except my FFB and that I set as follows…this is 100% optional though
Preset 5…FFB…17
Preset 4…FFB…16
Preset 3…FFB…15. ( this is my most used ) wheel too heavy …just 1 setting down ( to light 1 setting up to preset 4 and that I can change on the fly without even stopping the race.
Preset 2…FFB…14
Preset 1…FFB…13
every other setting on the wheel or in the game stay the same but this FFB setting change and this should adjust the feel for lighter and heavier cars.*
Try this and let me know…if you don’t like it you can always go back to what you had listed above. If you do go back try lowering or even better turning off the SHO.
Dan, Thanks for your help and I’ll tell you that your settings “improved” the overall feel of the wheel because it reduced the twitching but it’s still not right. I’m going to call the FFB in Forza 6 what I would consider normal. On a straight road the wheel is steady as a rock and as you enter a turn the “resistance” to turning increases naturally, if you turn the wheel too much for the corner and you start to lose grip you can feel the tires scrubbing to gain traction and the entire feel is what I would expect from a real car.
Your settings reduced the odd behavior in Forza 7 but it’s still nothing like the “normal” behavior in Forza 6. Just for your information the FEI setting is called “Force Effect Intensity” and is described as the parameter adjusts the intensity of force effects and can make effects more smooth: OFF is very smooth and low noise while 100 is very sharp and direct. So turning that to OFF by itself reduces the odd behavior of straight line twitching but not completely. If I increase that parameter above OFF the twitching returns and gets worse with the higher the number.
So what I’m feeling now with your settings is that straight line driving at high speed the FFB is quite heavy and if you try to move the car left and right there is an unnatural amount of resistance in the steering. So I’m talking about very slight movements left and right at high speed. As soon as I enter a turn the FFB reduces dramatically and it’s really like the steering wheel has no connection to the tires and the road surface. Unlike over steering in Forza 6 there is absolutely no feeling that the tires are scrubbing and trying to regain traction.
So the bottom line is that while your settings have reduced the unnatural “twitching” on straights the FFB when turning (slight turning down a straight or going around a turn) is completely unnatural and lacking in any “road feel”.
How about you telling me how your steering in Forza 7 feels in comparison to Forza 6 and to how it felt before the Dec 4th update when everything was working normally for me?
Is that not progress???
I would rather them do this and use it as a demo to see if it works like they want before throwing it to the masses and hope it works.
Me personally, I would rather wait the year we waited and have it do everything I wanted rather than have it out in a month and have various bugs patched for the next year and a half.
Now days it’s hard to find every bug pre launch but if you can eliminate 90% of them with a single hopper trial…,well I am for that! I will not say to much negative until I know exactly what we are getting and how it works. Some things are worth the time and yes some things are a waste of time too but for now we don’t know which it is so for now let’s wait to see the final product before we complain to much…I do understand your anticipation though…
I have not played FM6 in probably 2 years😳 I will try it again and see what I think. I don’t remember it well enough to start comparing it accurately to pre FFB update forces though.
Easier to get an accurate feel if I can do one and the other back to back.
I think it’s our style of driving that makes it feel different…I race a lot on Oval tracks and have the settings favoring that style ( less sharp turning so stronger FFB can be helpful but on a track that needs more agility it may not be helpful.
Just so you know since the update yesterday I have not been as fast on any of times. I am going to go back to a much lighter wheel and try it as it may feel much better now with the new bug fix. Dave Lacey from FACR has some great settings for the last FFB update so I am going to try that one againg and if needed tweet it slightly. I will let you know if any good.
his settings were great but I wanted a bit stronger feel for my OVAL racing.
Thanks again. I wanted a race car 'simulator" when I build my system. With the past Xbox 360 system, I had a three screen setup with Fanatec equipment. Accurate FFB was what I was really paying for. This Forza 7 update (destruction for me) makes me feel like I’m driving my fathers 58 DeSoto where the power steering was so powerful you had absolutely no feel for the road. I drive the 2008 Dodge Vider in the game. So this update for my system (Xbox one, Fanatec P1 wheel with V2.5 base) has not only messed up cornering feel (reduced to zero) and straight line feel is weird. As least I have Forza
After the update I get no more information about spinning wheels, body roll and weight transfer through FFB.
I restart the console. And no change. Don’t know what you done with physics and or FFB, but to me it feels worser than ever.
Why you change things and the game have after it bugs. Did you not test it. Than leave the things like they be. I mean whe are the last people from former millions behind that game.
The new FFB was so much fun and now all it’s gone.
This is a post that I made on the following thread in response to “Dan the Dartman” who has been trying to help me with my settings after the last update. I’m on Xbox One with a Fanatec P1 wheel and V2.5 base and driving the 2008 Dodge Viper in “S” Class.
#ForzaMonthly Feb. 4 /Content Update Feb. 5
Dan, Thanks for your help and I’ll tell you that your settings “improved” the overall feel of the wheel because it reduced the twitching but it’s still not right. I’m going to call the FFB in Forza 6 what I would consider normal. On a straight road the wheel is steady as a rock and as you enter a turn the “resistance” to turning increases naturally, if you turn the wheel too much for the corner and you start to lose grip you can feel the tires scrubbing and trying to regain traction and the entire feel is what I would expect from a real car.
Your settings reduced the odd behavior in Forza 7 but it’s still nothing like the “normal” behavior in Forza 6.
So what I’m feeling now with your settings is that straight line driving at high speed the FFB is quite heavy and if you try to move the car left and right there is an unnatural amount of resistance in the steering. So I’m talking about very slight movements left and right at high speed. As soon as I enter a turn the FFB reduces dramatically and it’s really like the steering wheel has no connection to the tires and the road surface. Unlike over steering in Forza 6 there is absolutely no feeling that the tires are scrubbing and trying to regain traction.
So the bottom line is that while your settings have reduced the unnatural “twitching” on straights the FFB when turning (slight turning down a straight or going around a turn) is completely unnatural and lacking in any “road feel”.
I actually went back and played FM6 with the Viper tuned to 800 and put a few laps in at Road America. I think I understand what you are looking for but also don’t know how to get that feel for you.
What you enjoy is one aspect of FFB and it is fun…but to me it feels like I am driving on a glass that’s as level as a billards table. In real life the track will have many bumps bouncing the wheel around, plus your body will feel much heavier forces during a heavy turn at speed translating to a different feel on the steering wheel other than just the loss of grip but all at the same time. It is almost like a recipe, the FFB you identify with the most is the only ingredient to the FFB mix in FM6 as you have it set up. ( especially with the SHO at 100 ) in FM7 there are many more ingredients to the FFB in addition to the one you liked in FM6.
There is a balancing act to get it to feel good and having a Fanatec wheel gives you more options but there is also more options to balance making it more challenging up front…but once you get them where you want them they are pretty darn good.
I mean absolutely no disrespect when I say you are looking for a more basic FFB than what I am. Also I prefer Oval racing which, by itself, benefits from a little stiffer wheel set up than a road coarse.
**** you can friend me " Dan the Dartman " and go into rivals on FM7. You can choose any car division, and any Oval ( Daytona Oval day and night, Homestead Oval day and rain, and Indy Oval ) and I am in the top 20 worldwide in nearly all of them by beating my old FFB setting times and all since the new year 1-1-2019 so the wheel can feel good or at least what I am looking for. These are all done with someone else’s tune that is posted until they unshare it as I am not a good tuner. This gives you the same tune in the same car same track following my ghost to compare the difference in the wheel. ( I already gave you my settings *post #50 in this thread to so you should be able to feel it nearly exactly as I do on my wheel while driving these). Everyone has that perfect feel and that has become much more difficult to find but I do think it is there somewhere.
Today I went through every page of this thread and wrote down all the settings posted. I am going to see if I find a better set up than what I currently have for road course type tracks ( most of the tracks in the game ) to me those are so much harder than Ovals and a lot more places to make mistakes which I am pretty good at. I already feel I am driving so far over my head and I am in the bottom 25% on my friends list in most tracks but Ovals…no wheel of FFB is going to make up for my lack of talent…LOL
Anyway I will see if I can find a bit lighter feeling wheel today and then see how I like it on my Ovals…
I am not saying I don’t believe you have issues but I know someone with a V2.5 and they are very pleased with what they found for it. That being said I don’t think it’s a Fanatec 2.5 bug…just have not found that sweet setting that you are looking for and that can be hard to find…but again worth it when you do though!