#ForzaMonthly Feb. 4 / Content Update Feb. 5

more cars and more cars… We have enough cars. It would be time to make new tracks. Or a DLC with tracks.
To improve the ffb issues is good. We will see how it works, but the steering ratio is always wrong for wheel users. The wheelmovement are not naturally. In Forza I have to turn the wheel just a little compared to other sims like ac, pcars 2, r3e, and that feels not naturally.


Excellent update. Can’t wait for the new Force Feedback update for us wheel users. I’m not a massive Ferrari fan but can’t complain with two free cars. I’ll look forward to testing those out, especially the 599. Loading times getting cut is always a positive. They’ve really improved the UI & loading since the release of the game. There’s still improvements to be made but it’s far superior to its launch state. The painting & forzavista improvements are excellent. They’ll help photography & painting a hell of a lot. I am praying we get the updates Forza Horizon 4 got in the paint editor aspect though, like painting panels & individual parts of the wheels.

I know a lot of people are seeking more tracks to be added, but I think it’s a bad idea. What we really need is the content to be refined not added to. We already have hundreds of ribbons & a lot of tracks. What I think we really need is rain & night (if the tracks can be raced at night irl) conditions for almost every track at this point. I hope they add that instead of adding more tracks because it will spice up & improve what we have already got. Honestly I think every track needs a full dynamic weather system like in Forza Horizon 4, but I’d settle for more weather variants for each track.

The 599xx Evo will more than likely be in the hypercars division as its a track based version of high performance Ferrari. The elite factory racers are usually the 90s era GT1 style cars. Race regulations should drop next month.

I do like the idea of adding weather and night time to other tracks in game as a bare minimum if they really dont plan to add other tracks thru dlc. Along with that they should give us the ability to change the time of day like morning, mid day, afternoon, evening or night. So I’ll take either or, a new track(s) or different time of day/ weather for many or all tracks in game.

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One of the things that PCars2 does better is dynamic time. For example, you can set up a race for 1:12 at 20x time and go through a whole day/night cycle at Daytona, Spa, Le Mans, etc. So rather than just "night configuration"I would love true dynamic time.

I suspect that this will be a headline feature of FM8.


Every time a night or rain track shows up, half the lobby leaves. People really don’t want to do that stuff. Just lobby drainers. I don’t mind myself but that is just what happens. I don’t think it is worth adding that to more tracks. If tracks are behind a DLC paywall and not in rotations it is pointless to add them. Fine if you like time attack but if they implement it like the did in Forza 6, don’t bother.


Though I agree that doesn’t mean they’ll be useless for private lobbies & free play which are both huge areas of the game.

Your entitled to your opinion, but i would disagree on both those points. There is much more to Forza than online lobbies, and i find the people that leave due to rain, etc aren’t front runners anyway. I can’t comment on open lobbies as i stick to leagues (pinnacle) for the 'generally" cleaner racing, but some of my best races there have been in the wet.

The NASCAR expansion with Miami Speedway i rate as the best, and i didn’t even like NASCAR. But it was a legit MOTORSPORT expansion and kind of thing we should be encouraging. I would buy another in a heartbeat provided its based on a Real World Motorsport. IMSA, World Time attack, V8 supercars, BTCC, DTM, WRC, NHRA Drag racing, Indy car… whatever.

I remember 50 lap Daytona race (offline with wheel), trying to stay with lead pack, came down to pit stops and i ran out of fuel crossing the line, was most immersive racing experience i’ve had in a Forza game.

Night tracks would be fine…………if the headlights would work…which they dont most of the time!!!


Well from the stream it seems new tracks are a pretty safe bet. Not a guarantee, but from the funny/suggestive comment he made about the whiteboard it seems likely that new tracks are on the way at some point. Hopefully all this work going into FM7 (which is awesome) will translate into the foundation of FM8. With the feedback from the community and the new direction of development, I’m pretty optimistic for the future.

Somewhere else on the internet there will be a hairy beast from a galaxy far away shouting “THEY COPIED OUR HELMET CAM!!!111111oneone”.

I think for the game to survive it’s gonna need some new tracks. The current list is pretty good but new tracks add a sense of novelty you can’t get from new cars anymore.

Problem is picking what to add. There’s some glaring omissions in the list such as Donington, but Donington only has two main layouts and that’s too little for paid content. Another one is Interlagos, since Brazil is a big market and Gran Turismo earned a foothold here due to featuring the track (I’m personally not a HUGE fan of Interlagos but it’s an important track in an important market).

Since Forza is the IMSA game, I’d like to see the IMSA tracks like Mid-Ohio, Belle Isle, etc. so we can run a full season of IMSA. America retains some of the charm of the old tracks which is an obvious selling point for new content.

In the European side, Algarve is a track I don’t like but it’s varied enough to feature in a paid expansion. I remember multiple layouts from various games. Perhaps update some of the existing tracks with new layouts, like the Nürburgring, which is missing its short and Müllenbach variants.

It’s also disappointing to have a favorable deal with Porsche and presumably Ferrari yet it’s Project CARS that gets Weissach and Fiorano. :frowning:


Yeah if T10 really wants to go ham and finally fully utilize their IMSA partnership they would/could ship the remaining weathertech tracks that being mid Ohio, belle isle and mosport all in one nice sized track pack with a 7 imsa car dlc alongside that. I’ll gladly pay say 29.99 for that and I’m sure many others would too. It would be the proper icing on the cake for this game. With all the silly pointless cars we have received over the past year it would be crucial if T10 pulls something like that off and i would thank them 100 times over.

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Does anyone know how to get the 599xx Evo? I though in the stream they said it would be gifted to players in the update but no luck so far.

I took it as they were having a picture of a livery to show off the new photo shop and painting improvements and the livery with the most votes all players get with that car so maybe a day or so after the vote. I may be wrong though as I was only half listening to that part… I was waiting to hear about the FFB updates.

It’s mentioned in the first two posts by Manteomax that the Ferrari 599XX Evoluzione is free for everyone. Apparently not (in Car Collection it shows up as locked). so does anyone know how to get it? I can’t find anything in Rivals and no other information either.

What time is the update going live…I live on the east coast.( USA)

It’s already live. Open the game and it should force the update. Just worked for me. Didn’t show up at first when checking for updates.

I would pay 30 bucks too for a IMSA Expansion with 3 tracks and 7 to 10 cars😊
Ferrari 599 xx evoluzione is not in the garage or by the car dealer. The one of the two cars I like is not in the game.
I didn’t like that GTC Ferrari in Horizon and here I hate that car. That’s on of the last cars I want from FH here in FM7. But only my opinion. Everyone who loves it have fun👍

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Car comes as a gift

Noticed a bug
Preview Screen for Top Speed, 0-97 etc. didn’t work since the update
Ferrari 599 xx Evo, road Atlanta
It shows 0-97_0,003, 0-160_0,005, 0,4 km_0,010 sec
Maybe that’s the only car???

After a race car hangs for a millisecond on start finish line. Looks not good

That update need some optimization

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I tried upgrading other cars, they all have the same glitch with 0-60 times and 0-100 times. I hope T10 can hot fix this issue

It was the only issue I had with this update, but I have an assumption that they placed some of the adjucation hidden in this update: it does not happen offline and if you go back to see the stream about the race regulations, it does freeze for a fraction of a second too when finishing a race and then it starts to place penalties.
My idea is to slightly modify the race result screen (right past finish line) to just place lap time, delta and such bacause it can be confusing to see.

About tracks, I already suggested a long time ago that they place an issue of restricting player base: lobbies solely focused on DLC die quickly, regardless if the game sold well or not. My idea is to make these new tracks available for free on online rotations, but paid if the user wants to play in private lobbies/single player/offline modes. Lobbies will not die quickly, they can try if its worth it and if someone wants to further practice this track, they buy this DLC. The person who bought the DLC always will find someone to play against.