FM7 February 2019 Update
Brian Ekberg
Monday, February 4, 2019
February Spotlight Car - 2017 Ferrari GTC4 Lusso
Free for everyone and featured in the February Spotlight Rivals event.
[Note: the Ferrari 599XX Evoluzione will also be a free car for everyone.] Updated Paint Space
“First and foremost, the paint space itself now features four user-selectable lighting scenarios – Ambient Light, Ambient Dark, Sunny, and Sunset. This gives the players the ability to view their liveries in a variety of lighting environments, perfect for highlighting those problem areas in a design. In addition, we’ve brought the functionality of Forzavista into the paint space; now players can open doors and hoods, get inside the car, and quickly spin around their car to see how a design is flowing.”
“We’ve also added Photo Mode to the Paint Space; which can be accessed within the Forzavista option in the Paint Space. This update also adds a Free Camera system in the main garage (accessible via Forzavista), which allows unobstructed movement around the garage home space while in Photo Mode.” Force Feedback Update
“This month, we’ve introduced a Force Feedback (FFB) update for wheel users. This update addresses issues that were causing latency between the physics frame and the FFB frame, which manifested as oscillation. With this update, wheel users will feel less oscillation and hitching in wheel FFB.” Other changes
“In addition to these features and changes, we have made some back-end improvements that will improve load times into multiplayer races. These improvements will save players anywhere from 10-30 seconds during a load into a 24-car race. For the full list of improvements and fixes coming with the February update, check out our full Release Notes on the Forza Support site”
A few cool things I guess but overall another disappointment this month. When will they acknowledge and fix freeplay issues, car sounds, lighting on tracks, add better content… looking ahead it looks like they plan to add even more drift crap. How about 2015-newer IMSA prototypes, classic racers or f1 cars, more newer GT cars, new style IndyCars and the biggest thing of all A NEW TRACK! I appreciate the other things they are tackling but they seem to keep missing the major things that have continuously been brought up month after month.
± free Ferrari GTC4 Lusso (I hate the FF, but it’s free, sooo…)
± Barret Jackson video parts (so many Ford GTs! Rest was uninteresting, too much PR-blabla)
± Lighting and garage/photo mode-thing…yeah, good for the guys who wanted it, I don’t really care
± FFB update: same as above, controller player here, so don’t care about that
± Race Regulation System: I don’t care. Even if it works as inteded, I will not mutate to a PvP-player.
± More Drift-Things…Meh.
no mention of fixing annoying bugs
no mention of drivatar improvements
no new car pass
no new (even paid) track
Was a bit better than january, but I have the feeling, the guys focusing on the wrong parts of the game for me.
Is it too boring to fix some bugs on cars and tracks?
And I still wait to complete the career, because I hoped for some drivatar improvements soon.
Well, DiRT Rally 2.0 is out at the end of february, so I will leave Forza for a while.
I just really, really hope they announce a big addon on E3 for FM7 with 1 or 2 new tracks and a career-expansion.
Around the 31:50 mark of the live-stream, Esaki shows off the new free roam camera in the garage. He goes over to the dry-erase board on the wall & says “hopefully there aren’t any unannounced tracks on the board…knock on wood.” This leads me to believe they will have a new track at some point. I wouldn’t think he would say something like that unless a new track was in the works.
Great to see the GTC4Lusso coming. I am confused on when they said that everyone is going to get a free 599XX are they talking about the normal 599XX or the evo becuase they didn’t really say just a free 599XX.